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No smut, no angst, just fluff... Ah, my fav.

Tsukasa sighed trying to finish his homework, he chose music as a course, but the homework was overwhelming, he sometimes forgets to study to.

"WHAT EVEN IS THIS, i cant understand a thing!!" Tsukasa said angrily, he was about to scribble the paper until a hand grabbed his in time.
"Oh! Tsukasa kun, you almost ruined your hard work!" A voice said, emu? Nene? No no, its rui!

Tsukasa smiled calmy hearing rui, ruis voice always calmed him down.

"I dont need help, its fine really"
The blonde insisted a no, but he felt ruis hand wrap around his guiding while teaching him.
"This one is here, because this is this and those are this, now, do it on your own!" Rui said, incouraging tsukasa.

"This one is here.. And then this is this, and those are this.."
Tsukasa said, remembering what rui teached him.
"Good job tsukasa kun! I suppose you can try to do it alone, ill be watching tho!"

Tsukasa nervously did his homework but was a bit shaky, but then calmed down when he felt ruis warm lips up agaisnt his cheek. He focused more, he heard screatching noises from the floor as rui grabbed a chair to sit beside tsukasa.

"FINALLY DONE!" tsukasa said loudly, rui giggled as tsukasa turned off his desk light and flatted out on the carpet of their floor. Rui sat next to the tired tsukasa, who then layed on ruis lap.

"Im gonna stay here, if its okay?"

"Mhm, i dont plan on moving anyways.. The homework was alot"
Rui began playing with tsukasas hair, leaned in and kissed his forehead.

"Can u get up for a second?"  Said rui looking down at tsukasa.

"Sure, why?" Tsukasa got up from ruis lap sitting and looking at rui confused.

Before tsukasa could react, rui tackled the blonde haired boy and gently kissed his lips, tsukasa was shaken by the sudden act on the floor but calmed down soon after.

Separating, the two boys layed on the floor panting.
"What was that for!?"
Rui smiled at the angry tsukasa, then licking his lips.

"Can you do that to me again? It was kinda unexpected.." The blonde hair boy said flustered.

Rui looked at the shorter one infront of him, grabbed him by the back and pulled him into a kiss, the blonde wrapped his arms around the taller as it lasted for some seconds, mind you they were doing this in a dorm that had thin walls, while sitting down to.

Rui separated the kiss but then kissed tsukasas cheeks and forehead, wich made the blonde dig his head into ruis chest.

Tsukasa finally looked up at rui who was smiling, the cheeky smile rui was known for. He used to get annoyed by it, but he now also smiles everytime he sees it.

Rui carried tsukasa for bed, it was about time for bed anyways. Leaping onto the bed, rui started to cuddle with tsukasa that was tired after finishing his homework.

Tsukasa hesitated before he grabbed his phone, smooshed ruis and his cheeks together and photoed it, captioned it, and sended it to a groupchat. Rui was already looking foward for sleeping with tsukasa so he didnt bother looking what he had just sended, hed check in the morning.

Tsukasa sat back in ruis arms, withering to fall asleep. But rui whispered something, "i love you, goodnight tsukasa kun~!" Tsukasa got red and he made it so ruis arms were more tight around him.

They both slept peacefully, they loved each other like there was no tmrw.

The end <3


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