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Someone shouted from downstairs, as while tsukasa was petting ruis cat, he knew that voice.. He ran downstairs while rui was sleeping and he was still holding the cat.

"Saki!? Uh, hi-! H-how did you find me??"

"I went around the neighborhood and shouted for you! Whos house is this btw? And whos the owner of the cat your holding?"

"Oh uh.. This is ruis house and this is ruis cat, mia"

"Pretty! Can i touch I-IT AAA"
the cat lunged at saki and almost scratched her while still being in tsukasas arms, he managed to calm down the cat until he felt a tug on his shoulder.

"Tsukasa kun? Why are you outside?"Rui layed his tired head on tsukasas shoulder and was semi asleep.

Saki holded in her laughter and tried to keep on a straight face, failed.
"Im gonna go make gifts for ichika now!"

"Arent you always making gifts for her?"

"Yup!! Bye bye now brother!!"

And with that, saki left, rui closed the door and tsukasa barely noticed he had that much time to freshen up, it looked like rui was better now atleast? But tsukasa was still worried.

"Rui, go on the couch, ill just go chat my gc, or scroll on instagram, like a star would!!"

Rui nodded his head as he plopped himself onto the couch.


Punks but with a rainbow

(💛) world STAR!✩
= Secretly gonna go with rui to pheonix wonderland today, ill meet a fangirl, maybe

(🧡) best shinonome sibbling
= do you have the intent of going on a date with him or meeting fangirls??

(🖤) shiraishi an!
= if i were to guess, it probbably be both.

(💛) world STAR!✩
= an is correct

(🧡) best shinonome sibbling
= if he does anything bad to u ill kill him

(💙) toya
= whats with all the??

(🧡) best shinonome sibbling
= hi love, tsukasa is gonna take rui to pheonix wonderland to go on a date and meet fangirls or smt

(💙) toya
= hi babe, oh okay

(🖤) shiraishi an!
= just reminded me to do my daily digging on #worldstartsukasa in insta

(💛) world STAR!✩
= there is that tag??

(🖤) shiraishi an!
= mhmm, i go on there to see goofy ass pics of u, have you guys seen my love btw??

(🧡) best shinonome sibbling
= kohane is offline doing something

Tsukasa closed IAMchat and went to instagram, he then went to search up the tag.


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I SAW @ /// worldstartemmatsukasa AT THE MALL OMG, I WAS TO SHY TO APPROACH HIM BC HE HAD SOMEONE WITH HIM (i think that purple hair director) BUT OMGG HE LOOKED SO COOL IN THAT SUIT #worldstartsukasa

Tsukasa laughed at the post, the pic was him in that suit striking a pose to rui. Cherisable moment, he decided to screenshot the photo and crop it, just like a moment to keep.


= image

Pov! If tsukasa tenma was your boyfriend! (Pics are all edited! Just some pics to fullfill hearts ^^ ) #worldstartsukasa

love you like you are <3 [ruikasa] Where stories live. Discover now