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INCLUDES ANGST 😋😋 (only a little bc my heart could never, and its only misunderstandings) DW THEYL MAKE UP(out)

In the first time in forever, its rui who woke up earlier than tsukasa, who was snoring on his bed. Lately, tsukasa decided to push their beds up agaisnt each other.

Rui decided to give a small peck, surely tsukasa wouldnt wake up? Wrong, tsukasas sleep is very hard to understand, sometimes hes a deep sleeper, sometimes hes a light sleeper.

"Good morning tsukasa kun~!

"Rui? Why are you whispering?"

"Shh, remember shiraishi sans complaint? We dont wanna wake her up"

Its been a few weeks since the 2 started dating, about 1 week?

"We have classes today.. Lets get ready"

"Yeah at 9 am!! Its 5 right now, i wanna sleep in more"

"I suppose its okay"

Tsukasa pulled ruis shirt and their lips connected, no tounges, just lips connecting. They were like this for a solid minute until separating for air.

"Actually, nevermind! Ill just spend 2 hours with you"
Rui giggled at the striking a random pose tsukasa. Tsukasa sat back down in ruis lap, wich rui was now pressing up agaisnt tsukasas hair.

"Your hair still smells like sunsets, i can play with it all day"

Tsukasa cramped up by ruis compliment,  until he felt ruis arms wrap around him. He softened up and his tense went away, until something unexpected was heard from the other dorm.

"遥か遠い遠い昔 巻かれた首輪 人が欲しい
人が欲しいと叫ぶ 呪いの首輪 怒らないで見捨てないで どこもいかないで (ねえ) 強くめる吐くまで絞める人がいないいないと

?? Who is blasting off music at 5 Am!??

"Mizuki!! The music is way to loud, your gonna wake up everyone!!"

"Oops!! Sorry!! Well, atleast it covered your cutesy time or something, i dont wanna hear you guys making out at like 5 am!!"

"Rui kun, tell mizuki that scared the living shit out of me, from shiraishi an"

"I hear you shiraishi san! The walls are very thin..again, sorry, ill keep it down"

"You better.. This is nene btw. Emu woke up screaming"

Mizuki turned down the music, wich didnt really help anyways.

"Tsukasa kun, im gonna go get us some food from the cafeteria, just go down if i take to long~!" Rui opened and closed the door to go downstairs to the cafeteria.

After some minutes, tsukasa was getting a bit bored, so like rui told him, he went down to the cafeteria to see whats taking so long.

He tiptoed down until the cafeteria, he saw rui sitting with someone else at a table, they were talking and tsukasa tried to listen in but was a bit far away so some things were cut off.

"Aha! Yes, ___ __ in a relationship with me, but it ___ fake, i was just lonely, ya know? I ___ actually love ___" Rui talked to the person while tsukasas guts turned around. He didnt wanna hear more so he ran up back to the dorms and pretended he didnt go down.

"Tsukasa kun~! Im back with the snacks and food!"

Rui layed down the food on the bed and gave tsukasa some cheek kisses, wich tsukasa didnt really respond to.

"Tsukasa kun? Are you okay!? Oh no!! Are you sick?? Ill call in the teachers, ill take care of you for today, i can feed you!"  tsukasa was now really wondering if this was all genuine.

"No thanks rui.. Ill just eat by myself"
Rui looked at tsukasa in shock, this wasnt usual? "Well then! Ill carry you to the docto-" "no thanks, ill just finish the food and go to practice with nene and emu"

Tsukasa quickly finished the food and ran out to practice.

---at the rehearsel stage---


"Louder and more energetic?"


"Were not getting anywhere tsukasa.. Is there something wrong?"

"NOPE! Nothing wrong"

Nene glared at tsukasa who seemed to have his mood down.

"Is it something about you and rui?"

Tsukasa eyes widened and looked at nene but then looked back down.

"Tsukasa kun, look at me and emu."

Even though emu was certainly very energetic and is always happy, she was VERY serious this time. Wich made tsukasa uncomfortable.

"Tsukasa, tell us whats happening, were ur friends, we can help. Is it about rui?"

Tsukasa just nodded his head until rui bursted into the room.
"Tsukasa kun! Are you okay!? You dont have to do practice if you dont want to!"

Rui hugged tsukasa but tsukasa just had a tired face on him, it dissapointed rui to say the least.
"Well! I fixed your laptop to, and i got your fav ice cream!"

Nene looked at emu, who immediately grabbed a sticky note from her pocket and gave it to nene, wich nene writed on and showed to tsukasa.

"Your upset hes to sweet?"

"No" tsukasa mouthed out.

Nene began writing on the other side and showed it to tsukasa again.

"Just blurt it out, itl be more fast to resolve"

Tsukasa nodded, before pushing a confused rui away.
Emu and nene left the room to leave tsukasa and rui alone, so that theyd be more comfortable.

"Rui kun.. I went to the uh, uhm"

Tsukasa nodded and continued.

"I-i heard your little chat and-"

"Oh! That chat i had with that student? Sonomori san? I was chatting to her since she was curious on the relationship of me and mizuki, so i explained how it was pretty fake and just platonic"

Tsukasa nodded, wanting rui to continue.

"And she was also curious on our relationship, so i told her how it was! I think thats all"

Tsukasas eyes widened, he had misunderstood everything. He ran to rui and digged his puffy eyes into ruis shoulder, while being patted and hugged by rui. "Im sorry, i made you worry about me"

"Hm? Tsukasa kun? I always worry for you, i love you, your my boyfriend"
Tsukasa teared up some more, rui cared for him alot. It even came close to sakis level, wich was alot.

"You broke a rule but i dont care.."
Rui cupped tsukasas cheeks and kissed his forehead, even 1 week of dating he didnt feel as much love as this time. Maybe hel feel more loved in the future to.

Rui wrapped his arms around tsukasa hugging him, it felt alot like sakis, and his mothers. He hugged rui back and they loved the moment.

"I love you tsukasa~!"

"I love you to.."


Lets say tsukasa and both rui got a lot kisses, and a long nice day of them both loving each other with passion and affectionate.

love you like you are <3 [ruikasa] Where stories live. Discover now