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"Rui, are you okay?"

Tsukasa sat up from the mattress and found rui shivering in his blanket.

"Do you want me to cuddle with you..?"

"No! I dont want you to get SI-SI-SICK- ACHOO"

"Itl be fine"

Tsukasa climbed into ruis bed, and started hugging him, he didnt want to get sick but he was fine with it.

After some rustling, the door bursted open with ruis mom opening it.
"Rui? Is there anything wrong? I heard some rustling, do you need anything?"

"Can i have some warm tea ma? Tsukasa kun, do you want anything?"

"Mm, just warm tea to.."
Tsukasa putted his head on ruis chest as while waiting for the tea to be made, ruis mother closed the door to make the tea.

"Does she know were dating?"

"Idk really.."

Tsukasas eyes widened but then closed again. He could hear ruis heartbeat.

"I can hear your heartbeat, it goes like nana, nana, nana, nana, nana"

"It goes faster when i think of you"

"Eat shit and die"

Rui chuckled at tsukasa, they both accideentally fell to the floor, they sat up and rui decided to cuddle with tsukasa, why not?

"Boys! Heres the tea, ill turn on the lights" ruis mom setted the tea down and turned on the lights.

"R-rui! Stop!!"
Ruis mom turned around to see rui cupping tsukasas cheeks and kissing his left one.
"Ah! You didnt tell me he was your boyfriend?"

"Sorry, i forgot ma!"
Tsukasa mumbled under his breathe something. "You just remembered??"
Rui giggled at tsukasa. he placed his finger on tsukasas lip, urging him to shush.

"Ill go wash the dishes now, bye sweetheart!"

"Bye ma! Can i invite my other friends over?"

"Hm, sure! Just stay safe"

"Okay ma!"

Rui got his phone out and decide to vc the group.

__ __ __ __

Nene : vcing?? What for??

Rui : so yeah, ACHOO can yall come over?? Tsukasas here to




Nene : we were next to the park close to your house, anyways nvm your mom opened the door

They hang up an- BURST

"RUI DID YOU HEAR THA-" tsukasa faced rui until he heard a.. Fammiliar energetic voice..

"TSUKASA KUN!!" emu ran and pushed tsukasa onto the sitting rui, causing them to bump into each other.

"WHAT THE FUCK" tsukasa said almost getting close to rui.

"Not infront of robonene!!" Nene said, covering robonenes eyes.

Turning back around, tsukasa looked at emu with a mad but sarcastic face, and certainly flustered. "EMU!!!!"

"sorry tsukasa kun!! Anyways, should we plan for the prom??"

"Sure! Ah and actually tsukasa kun, i added some accessciorie to the clothes you bought the other day~! They were kinda boring so i added our style"


"I do feel better, do you like it?"

Woah. It certainly matched their styles more. Ruis suit now had more color, the white in the suit was painted a not to dark purple and was added with a nice looking necklace that was shaped as a heart, with ruffles at the end of the sleeve and more design to the overall shirt. With a connecting cape like ruis general coat, and no flower this time.

Tsukasas was, almost just, magnifacent? The rose was now a colored yellow and it really was just so pretty to even describe (wow such a good excuse ikr)

"O-ok! I love these but you should be resting!!"

"Agree with tsukasa kun, surprisingly."


Rui sighed, the 3 had ganged up on him. Well tsukasa did, but emu and nene backed him up.

"Fufufu~.. How dare you gang up on me!" Rui frowned at tsukasa, grabbed his hand and put it agaisnt his cheek.
"Hmph! I say your hand is cold, this will warm it up!"
Rui turned his head and kissed tsukasas palm, while making sure they were making eye contact.

"OKAY stop that!!"
Tsukasa looked away from rui to find nene and emu holding in their laughs, he stared angrily and blankly at them.

The group formed a circle and was thinking of ideas, until emu sparked up and her eyes widened.
"How about we say bad and nice things abt each other!? Ill go first!!! I like nenes personality and her sweetness and honestly, i dislike how shes dull sometimes!! I can always match my mood with tsukasa but hes dull sometimes.. Rui is generally nice to be around with but sometimes his teasing is a bit to much!!"

"Great idea emu! Ill go next, nene is always calm wich i can relate with, but shes often moody wich i dislike, emu creates the best ideas and is fun to be around with, but shes a bit to hyper to handle sometimes, tsukasa kuns hair smells like sunsets and his lips are soft, wich i love, he sometimes denies his feelings, thats all!"

"MY TURN!!! Nene is chill but she basically never agrees with me and doesnt get along well only sometimes, emu i can match her mood but even sometimes shes to hyper, rui is perfect imo but sometimes his teasing just gets me a bit to much"

"My turn? Emu i love her personality and shes cute but i cant keep up with her energy sometimes, tsukasa idk anything good to say for him but i guess that he tries to be better, i dislike him sometimes, rui is my childhood bestfriend and he teased me way back then and i disliked that, hes pretty smart tho, saved my life sometimes"

"How about we share secrets now!? I bet you dont know me, ootori emu! Can cook!!"

"I knew that!! You teached me how to bake cupcakes!!"

"Aha! Fufu~ i bet you guys dont know i had 2 exes!"

"I knew..i was the ex"

Everyone stared at nene and rui, who were both nervous and bit sweaty.

"So it wasnt just mizuki!?"

"Nope! But im happy with who i am with now~" rui pointed at tsukasa and "accidentally" fell on him, wich resulted in some laughs and hugs.

..until rui woke up, he was finishing some costumes, prom costumes? Oh right. The costumes hed make for him and tsukasa, if tsukasa wasnt dating emu.

NAH, ID NEVER DO THAT LOL back to the story

"Are you sure you arent gonna get sick tsukasa kun!?"

"Im sure i wont, if i do.. Then, i dont really mind anyways.." Tsukasa was laying on ruis lap.

"Me and nene chan are gonna go now!!"

The couples waved bye and separated their ways.

SO SORRY ITS CUT SO SHORT!! Imma explain where this takes place cuz why not!? They are in college here!! Theyre all mostly 20 and theyre adults, emu joined the same college as them to spend more time with the group, and bc logic most of the other band members joinef the same school to wow

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