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Tsukasa woke up to find it being 4pm. And he was laying in his dorm bed again, all to find rui reading a book in his bed.

"Werent we in class like 1 minute ago..?"

"Tsukasa kun! Your awake, and you had fallen asleep, so i carried you to our beds~!"

"Oh, ok" tsukasa tried to remember what had happened before he slept, his mind was still a bit foggy.

"Rehearsel is in like 20 minutes, better get ready now!" Rui blowed a kiss to tsukasa, with the "annoying" grin again.

"So your teasing me again now? Hmph, fine then" tsukasa lunged at rui, and tackled him. Rui managed to get tsukasa off, and this time tsukasa was grinning, putting their regular clothes on they went to the hangout area.

"Took you guys long enough, me and emu chan were making paper crafts"

"We had some difficulties, the road was blocked, me and tenma san had some delays t-"

"We get it, you and tsukasa kun were trying to be alone for some time"

"Untrue!"  Tsukasa said.

Rui tilted his face to look at the paper crafts, it was 2 girls with poorly scribbled on pink and pale green hair holding hands. He carefully picked it up and smiled.

"This is pretty! Can i have some paper to?"

"Sure!" Emu handed rui some paper, instead of making a figure, he started writing on it.
Tsukasa got curious, and checked out what he was writing, "T + R ♡" was written on the paper, tsukasa grabbed the paper and started writing on it to.

Tsukasa gave the paper back to rui, he had written platonic at the bottom, nene also got curious and looked at the paper.

"Change the platonic to romantic and its accurate"

Rui giggled at nenes gesture. "You think so nene chan?"

Nene laughed, she did get along with rui well, even though calling him out for everytime he doubts himself.

"School dance is in 3 weeks, any plans?"

"If i dont have anyone, i think ill just take tsukasa, in a platonic way, of course."

"But cant you ask mizuki? Why tsukasa?"

"Mizuki is asking out ena, so why not tsukasa? I still cant believe they are holding up a prom, in a college even"

"The campus is big, and you know that one room that is unused for no reason? I think its big enough, they also said that its gonna be the room"

"Im getting bored, im gonna to the dorms"  tsukasa said, he did look bored.

"Im gonna go with tsukasa kun!"
Rui followed tsukasa, up to the dorms and rui locked the door.

"Why lock the door?"

"Were going to do things!"

"Do what?" Tsukasa was a bit confused, he was sitting on the floor, watching rui.

"Play affection of course! Since we havent done it in a while"

Tsukasa sighed, he wondered how long hed have to do this.

Rui sat across tsukasa, tilted his head and looked at him.

"Never talked about this, but should we set boundaries?"

"Sure, whatever but how long do i need to do this??"

"Wel stop when you get along with me!"

Tsukasa groaned, this is stupid.

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