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Tsukasa woke up to find rui in his arms, sleeping soundlessly while having a small snore. The blonde kissed the purples forehead, expecting nothing.

"Tsukasa kun?" Rui opened his eyes and looked up at tsukasa, but then digged his head back into tsukasas chest.

"Rui!! Get off!!" Tsukasa got up as while rui was still on him. Tsukasa looked at the time, 5 am!?

"Shouldnt we get ready, tsukasa kun?"

"I wanna stay in bed more"

"..i suppose its okay, we dont have any classes assigned for today"

Rui flipped over so that now it was tsukasa in his arms, rui held tsukasa with affection, and tsukasa held back with embarrasment.

"You know.. Ive been thinking about it, maybe we arent platonic and nene chan was correct.." Tsukasa digged his face into ruis shoulder.

"Oh really tsukasa kun?"


Rui smiled at tsukasa.

"Oh tsukasa kun! For the past 8 months ive been terribly in love with you, please accept me as your boyfriend!" Rui said jokingly and made his tone dramatic. Tsukasa stood there confused and shocked while being flustered by the sudden act.

"Lets be together! Thy my name and we will love eachother to the end!" rui said adding more dramatic tones. "ok!!! Thats enough, if you want me to rate your acting skill its 10/10!"

"Im glad you like my acting skills, tsukasa kun! They mean alot to me~"
Rui kissed tsukasas cheek once again, its been a routine now. Tsukasa didnt mind it, it was just a kiss on the cheek after all.
But it felt different this time, rui positioned it so a bit of his lips were on  tsukasas lips.

Pulling away from tsukasas cheek, rui gave a small peck on tsukasas lips, rui smiled while tsukasas eyes widened.

"Huh!? What was that for!"

"Just seeing if your lips are soft, for our future kiss!"

"Are they tho?"

"Mhm, i guess my lipbalm does suit you"

"Its 5 Am guys, im TRYING to sleep!! Not everyone has a day off today" was heard from the walls next door.

"Sorry shiraishi san! Me and tsukasa kun woke up a bit early"

"You guys always do, the walls are so thin i can hear rui kuns small quite snores!!"

While tsukasa was arguing back to back up rui, rui decided to see the pic tsukasa sended the other day.


(💛) world STAR!✩
= → image     10:22 PM
(💛) world STAR!✩
= with rui!!       10:23 PM


= rui and you look adorable!! Couple goals!!!!!!!!!!

(💚) nene.
= wonder where hes at, he usually would be arguing with us by now

(💜) mr director !
= hes arguing with shiraishi san, we were talking to loud and she complained she couldnt sleep

(💜) mr director !
= ➮ rui and you look adorable!! Couple goals!!!!!!!!!!!
: thank you emu chan! Taking him to prom will be the best experience ^^

(💛) world STAR!✩
= rui!!! An chan gave up now, she decided to sleep

(💚) nene.
= oh, hes here now

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