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"Tsukasa why were you late? Our class was delayed because of you"

Tsukasa walked in tired with rui behind him, they both sat down on the stage and tsukasa collapsed onto the floor.

"Sorry ms, i had a rough night and i couldnt sleep because mizuki kept blasting off music"

"Fine..just dont be late next time, im guessing rui to has the same excuse"

"I slept perfectly fine.. But i just waited for tsukasa to finish up"

"Well then! Lets begin, now i would like to explain a little of the story first, so you can have insight and decide wich chara you want to audition as"

The seas rumbled as the night grew colder and the crew started to complain.
"CAPTAIN HIKASHI!! Are you sure we arent gonna flip over the ship soon?? We need some land to abort, you know how much danger it can be!!"

Hikashi sighed and looked at his crewmate. "Aishia.. You know we havent seen land in like 7 months now, the signalers arent responding and im trying"

Aishia frowned, hikashi was so stressed it was making her stressed, she always depended on hikashi for their survival.

"Captain hikashi, i got a dot signal, though small.. It might help us" someones boots clacked on the wooden floor, kiruiko came out looking rather unamused and tired.

"Kiruiko, thank you. This should help us some bit, wether small or big, i appreciate your efforts, i do not regret you being my assistant."

Kiruiko nodded, and they went back to the main part of the ship, and so did aishia.

"yumia, im a bit scared..what if we die on ship!?!!"

"Aishia its gonna be okay, you have me and the rest of the crew, kiruiko and hikashi will figure out something.. Im sure of it"

"captain hikashi, i found a map, though our location is kinda unknown, im guessing were somewhere around there"

Kiruiko held the map to hikashi and pointed to somewhere.

"Hm? Shouldnt it be here??"
Hikashi putted his finger to somewhere to, but kiruiko held hikashis hand and dragged it along the map explaining how it would be the place they pointed out instead. The interaction was so gentle and so ettiquet, could distract anyone in the condition they were in.

"And thats just the tip and starter of the play! Over the next weeks after audition we will do the scenes and etc"

"Waaaaa! It sounds so cool!!"

"It does sound cool.. I am excited for it, are you excited for it to oishi??"


"Now, we should discuss things or props or things we can use for the theater play! Rui, you go first."

"I was thinking we can get ena to help us with the props, we dont have much paint supply, oishi can help us use the extra cardboards laying around to make waves or other props since shes good with sciccors and generally making things"

"I was thinking of that to!!! Ena has LOTS of paints we can borrow if she lets us!! You can ask mizuki if ena is okay with it rui!!"
Tsukasa was proud of ruis brilliant idea,hazushu seemed to like it to.

"Alright! That seems nice, miyoku?"

"The costumes from the old play a few years ago, we can use that and maybe repaint them"

"You mean the ones from like, 6 years ago!? I watched a video of the play and it wouldnt fit at all i bet!!"

"Kamishiro can just resize them, And put some bling blings on it or something"

"No way am i gonna let kamishiro rui or weirdo damage or mangle with the costumes the campus paid for, no way!"

"NOMINOKU SAN!! hes not a weirdo!! He can make literal robots, hed be good for the play!!" Tsukasa shouted, defending his very beloved.. "Friend"

Hazushu rolled her eyes, she made a heart with her hands and putted it in a way rui and tsukasa were both in the heart frame, she laughed and got some sheets and threw them onto the two. It was some lines?

"Your lips seem soft even in the tiring conditions of the sea?" Rui said outloud confused, hazushu had a grin on her face as tsukasa continued rui.

"Yours to, may i, wait..this is the??"

"Mhm, this is the kiss scene"

Tsukasas cheeks got red as rui stared at the sheet unamused, before tossing it to the side and looking at tsukasa.

"Unamusing if i have to say so for myself, cant you rescript it nominoku san?"

"Youl have to ask the teacher, i think its pretty interesting when you act it out rather than reading"

Rui sighed, hazushu seemed stubborn to say the least..

"Im just curious, who are you guys going to audition for?"

"Kiruiko, i like their chara to say the least."

"Captain hikashi!! Star of the world will be main chara!!"

"Aishia!! Yumias best friend!! And mihari chan will audition as yumia!!"

"Shitowa.. He doesnt have many lines so it wont be much of a hassel"

"Yoshiro, background chara talking to another chara on play"

"Thats boring, kiruiko fits you to azi"

"Im not sure akira chan, having to many lines is just a bit to overwhelming for me.."

"Your all dismissed since like 30 minutes ago, you can go if you want to"

Rui and tsukasa immediately grabbed their bags and jumped out of the room, hazushus presence was..menacing.

"Waaa!! Mihari chan, did you hear that!? Kamishiro senpai might kiss tenma san on stage if they both get picked for the main chara!?"

"I did oishi.. Im not to certain tho, akira chan is correct, azi kun does suit kiruiko"

"Okay you are right"

Tsukasa and rui sat down at a bench, tsukasa pulled out a fixed laptop out of his backpack and started opening a program, he seemed serious, not really out of chara but felt.. Iffy.

"Tsukasa kun darling? Are you okay?" Tsukasa felt a voice on his neck close to his ear, he flinched and calmed down once ruis arms were hugging him from the side.

"No dating in the halls, remember?"

Oh god, it was hazushu again.. Is she targeting or something!?

"Were just hugging, and this is thecnicaly park terrotiry"
Hazushu groaned and went back, luckily rui was right about it being parks terrotiry. (IM SORRY FOR HOW I SPELL IT IDK HOW RO SPELL IT OKAY DONT BULLY ME)

Rui kissed tsukasas cheek watching the boy type out on a document, tsukasa was doing it rapidly fast like it was due in a moment or something.

"And done! Fast as ever, record of 3 minutes"

"Your quite fast i must say" rui let go of tsukasa, tsukasa took out the camera feature on his laptop and took pictures of him and rui, kissing, resting on each others head, and all that couple stuff.

"Ah and tsukasa! You remember about the date akito and toya will have? Its today, so, we should get ready to, shouldnt we?"

Tsukasa smiled and nodded, they went back to their dorms to get ready.


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