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"Earth to tsukasa kun! Hellooo? Tsukasaaaa?? TSUKASA??"

"AAA! god.. You scared me rui.."

"Thank you rui. Now tsukasa, please pay attention to this class, do we remember why your grades are falling?"

"Yes ms.." Tsukasa pouted and layed his head down to rest again. He really did not care.

"Well then! Would you like to show tsukasa the answer, rui?"
Rui nodded, tsukasa looked around as rui got up from his seat. Calender, monday. 2 days ago he fell asleep in ruis house.

Rui started explaining on the board, tsukasa could care less even if it was his boyfriend.

"good job rui! Did you catch that tsukasa?"


rui satted back in his seat as the teacher almost exploded.

"Do i need to explain again why we put you and rui in the same classes and club? to get along?? You two were fighting and now your grades are falling!"

Rui noticed tsukasa tearing up a bit, well, that was a bit to harsh. Or maybe hes just biased on tsukasa. He grabbed a note and started writing on it.

"I can tutor you darling, but we need the teachers permission." Was written, he handed the note to tsukasas side and tsukasa readed it, he tilted his head down so his bright red face couldnt be seen. Everytime rui called him darling he felt his heart race up more and more.

"Ms! I can tutor tsukasa, its fine"
Rui smiled, ah! So caring for even people who "hate" him.

"Are you sure rui? Your doing so well an-"

"Its really fine ms, that could get us to get along to! Dont you think?"

"Hmm. Fine, after this class your gonna stay 20 more minutes to tutor tsukasa, ill be watching from my desk and the next students to come in will be fine with it"

Rui nodded, soon the class was over, tsukasa got up but was tugged by rui to sit down as the teacher watched them closefully.

"Now tsukasa, the materials, do you remember what 1+1 is?"


"Im joking relax, the main subject for this is page 504, you can read the whole page and ill wait"
Rui patted tsukasas head, he leaned on his chair as tsukasa began reading.

"Ms usakis class right?"

"Mhm! Just on time"
The people coming in sat on the desk, while tsukasa was still reading.

"Im done reading" tsukasa proudly smiled and rui giggled.

"Ms usaki? Can i come in? Im not disturbing anything right?"

"Oh mizuki! Sure, come in"
Mizuki walked up to rui and tsukasas desk and putted their hand down, they whispered something to them.

"Ms hinori wants you in theater after the tutor lessons done"

"Sure, wel be there"

Mizuki left and closed the door, rui kinda sucked at the tutor lesson tho. He slipped up a few times almost calling tsukasa love or darling, he caught himself tho.

--theater class--

"Sorry i almost slipped up darling, im not really used t-"

"Its fine, cmon, ms hinori will be mad if were anymore late"

"You two are on time luckily, well then! Based on complaints, today, we will be doing a full rehearsel play! I hope you all know your lines."

--after rehearsel--

love you like you are <3 [ruikasa] Where stories live. Discover now