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Angst. Fucking angst. (A little tho i love yall)

"Tenma san.. Uh.. I dont know how to tell you this, but your sisters in the hospital right now.. You should really come there.."

Wait, wait, saki..? In the hospital?
"Arigato.. Ill go now"
Tsukasa turned and ran to his friends.

"Sakis in the hospital.."
Tsukasa teared up, rui held him and the 3 immediately went outside for a cab.

"___ hospital please, and be urgent."
The driver nodded and speeded up, it felt like eternity, tsukasa was holding his tears in as the vechile picked up the pace.

"Were here"
They all got out and tsukasa paid, they all ran inside the hospital desperately.

"Tsukasa tenma i suppose? Your sisters in room 5A."
Tsukasa nodded and they rushed up, going to sakis room was normal but this was a fucking hospital for godsake.

"SAKI!? are you okay? What happened?"
Leo/need was at her bed, tsukasa had watched saki be in the hospital for most of her life yet it damaged him everytime.

"brother..? Is that you?"

"We were rehearsing and saki fell unconcious, we carried her here"

Rui could only watch as his boyfriend fell to his knees and broke down. It was really a sight to see, tsukasa, star of the show! But was now crying and getting his clothes all wet.

"Excuse me, uh, purple hair, green hair, and pink hair, you need to leave. This is patients and loved ones only"

"But can i stay? Im his friend.. Emu and nene are his friends to"

The nurse sighed, well, if they were close to him, then fine they can stay.

The nurse exited the room.

Tsukasa could really only rethink the times he had fighted with saki, it was rare but it happened a few times.

... Sakis room.

"No! Just go leave me alone! Just let me make my own choices!!"

"Saki! I care about you, your my sister, im-"

"Just go! Leave me alone"
Tsukasa sighed and left sakis room, quickly hearing a click. Saki locked the door and all he could hear was her soft crys and mumbles.

"Sweetie.. I know you care about saki, we do to, but yes, saki can make her own choices. She looks up to you, be a good big brother, kay?"
Tsukasas mom patted tsukasa on the shoulder.

"Mom! She locked herself in her room, what if she faints!?"

"Shel unlock the door soon sweetie.. I promise."


Tsukasas room.

"Im a disgrace big brother, arent i?"

"Brother no!! You are not!!!"
Saki tried to pat her brothers shoulder, but tsukasa was already lost in his own world.

"I even failed as a star, to make you happy to.."

Saki could only look at her brother that had his back turned agaisnt her, she sighed realizing he needed alone time, or did he? She left the room and closed the door.

"Brother, i feel kinda dizzy.."
Saki decided to walk back into her brothers room, she looked disoriented.

"SAKI!? are you okay!?!?"
Saki almost hit her head on the ground as she fainted, tsukasa caught her and went to his mother. She ended up in the hospital, he always blamed himself for that one. He always thought sakis illness was bad, but not this this bad. He was sure he was the reason he got saki in the hospital that time.

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