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"Wonderhoy!!" They followed emu, they arrived and took their seats at the spot.

"Goodluck tsukasa kun~!"
Rui looked at tsukasa, tsukasa was a bit unamused.

"You to rui"
They looked back and the signing event started, some were little kids and some were teens.

Rui could notice some people sweating, and overall nervous. His first signing was 2 books, some girl was carrying it and she had 2 books of it.

"AAAAAA!!" Emu shouted, she was on the far left next to nene.
"Nene chan! Look!" It was a little child that was carrying it, she signed it and so did nene before the child ran back to its mother.

Rui pinched tsukasas hand, basically signaling he wanted to hold hands. Tsukasa occasionaly let go to sign the books, but hed go back to holding ruis hand again.

Nene glared at rui and tsukasa, idiots. It would be weird if tsukasa kept putting his hand behind the table and only pick it back up when he was signing, and rui kept 1 of his hands down the whole time.

"Nene, how much time do we have left here?"

"About 1 hour more"
Rui nodded, he put both his hands on the table letting go of tsukasas, tsukasa tried to reach out for ruis hand before- THUD

"Eh!? Tsukasa kun?? Are you alright!;;!!???"
Emu ran to tsukasa, he was a bit dizzy and had a scrape on his knee and a little one on his chin.

"Tsukasa kun? Are you okay?"
People watched as tsukasa was on the ground looking like a dead person when it was a little fall.

Rui helped tsukasa up and checked some of his injuries, a scrape on the chin, a scrape on the knee, and a leg that hurted ALOT.

Rui tried to get tsukasa up but tsukasa fell down again, emu ran to get that special team even when tsukasa was only hurt a little bit. Tsukasa was holding his leg in pain, he fell like 1 feet but pretty hard, well maybe because his chair fell ontop of his leg but..

"Tsukasa kun, here"
Rui picked up tsukasa on his back, he carried tsukasa to a place he could rest. Tsukasa rested his head on ruis shoulder and closed his eyes. They passed emu and she followed them, if tsukasa was gonna scream in pain it better be worth it.

"Tsukasa kun!! Are you okay!??!"

"Im fine emu, i think atleast."

"Its just minor scratches and scrapes, better rest your leg tho"

"Can i still do signings!?"

"If you really want to sure, but moving your leg can hurt"

Tsukasa tried to move his leg, GODDAMNIT THAT CHAIR REALLY DID DAMAGE, he stopped in his tracks as his eyes widened, yeah.. He didnt wanna do signing now tbh. He examined his surroundings, he was in a air cooled room with white walls. Did he really make that much of a scene?? Yeah he did. Emu and rui waved goodbye as they left to go back to signing.

"I think we should get less heavier chairs"

Rui and nene whispered to each other, emu was happily signing until rui just felt nervous.

"Excuse me, is it okay if i go to the bathroom?" Rui asked to the nearest bodyguard.

"You need to sign and finish these first"

"But its urgent!"

"Fine.. Go, just be quick, go to kusanagi and ootoris booth."
Rui nodded and got up from his seat, he quickly ran to the nearest "bathroom".

"Tsukasa kun~! How are you feeling?"
Rui slyly got into the room and sat on the bed.
"Bad.. I cant even move my leg"

Rui frowned and took tsukasas and and kissed it.

"How did you even get in here anyways!?"

"I told the guards i wanted to go to the bathroom"

"And they letted you? I think we need new ones.."

Rui giggled and kissed tsukasas lips, tsukasa wrapped his arms around ruis neck while carefull to not move his leg, it was a bit awkward considering their outfits. But they really didnt care.

"I have to go now, bye my star~!"

"Bye rui!"

Rui left and quickly took back his seat, yet only nene could notice the scent of tsukasa on rui.

"You didnt actually go to the bathroom, did you?"

Rui could only giggle and nod, before turning back to sign. Emu was signing happily like she was gonna die tmrw, always the iconic wonderhoy.

It was fun while it lasted, now the line was gone. They all went to check on tsukasa.

"Tsukasa kun!! Are you okay now!?? How will we get back to campus when you can barely move your leg!!"
Emu looked at tsukasa, tsukasa hadnt moved his leg in a hour..

"Rui can carry him,i doubt rui would resist."

"You know me well, do you nene?"
Rui tried to slowly pick up tsukasa, tsukasa flinched and moved his leg, wait.. It didnt hurt??

"It doesnt hurt anymore!!!"

"Well, do you want me to still-"

Rui smiled, He picked up tsukasa onto his back and put on his best "i was forced to do this" face, they went back to the dorms.


"My hands feel cramped from signing all those books.."

"I dont!"

"Yeah, because you were resting dumbass!!"

Rui putted down tsukasa and nene glared at him, tsukasa sighed and took out his phone, he took a couple pics when he was resting.

"Hey! You look cute in that one, can you send it to me?"
Tsukasa nodded and sended the pic to rui, rui hugged tsukasa and they both went to the dorms.

"Im pretty bored.."
Rui took out his phone to scroll on instagram.


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I WISH I WAS TSUKASA BRO SJJD #festivalofwonders #signingevent #kamishiroofficial


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The event was just so funny, my ears bled when rui picked up tsukasa from the screams #kamishiroofficial

Hm! Create new post..


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@worldstartsukasa gave me this pic when he rested, stay safe and dont break your leg again #worldstartsukasa #kamishiroofficial

Comments :

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♡kamishiroofficial : you shouldve expected it bb

Tsukasa glared at rui, but then laughed and almost fell to the ground again.

Its so..short.. 1k words only im so sorry [] have this wip ig 🤩

GO FOLLOW MY TIKTOK ITS  @alicewtnow AND @akosolostheworld_

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GO FOLLOW MY TIKTOK ITS @alicewtnow AND @akosolostheworld_

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