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"Love, wake up? Love!! Love of my life tsukasa!!!"

Tsukasa woke up to find rui, he sweated but calmed down.

"Cmon! Lets go shower before class"
Rui dragged tsukasa to the mens shower room, they went in and tsukasa saw his clothes already there, persumebly picked by rui.

Tsukasa looked around, no people, wait, IT WAS 4?? ugh.. Of course rui picked this time to shower, not that it mattered anyways..

Rui hopped into one of the stalls and invited tsukasa in, WAIT WHAT!?

QUICK DISCLAIMER : no, im not doing lemon here

"Cmon tsukasa kun!!"
Tsukasa sighed and took off his clothes and putted them into his clothes locker before hopping in, (rui did the same btw, before he hopped in himself)

Tsukasa hopped in, his face warmed up and rui turned on the shower.
"why are we doing this anyways..?

"If you want, you can go into the next stall"

"No thank you"
Tsukasa went in to hug rui, holy fuck, their bare skin was touching each other.

"I did think about doing this with you sometimes, but i decided today was the day id get myself together and actually do it"

Rui said, tsukasas face was all red due to the tension, while rui was still calm acting like they werent naked in the shower.

"Here, have a seat on this chair"
Rui picked up a small chair and seated it, tsukasas hair seemed a bit..greesy?

"Hmm hmm, hmmm.."
Rui hummed a tune as he started washing tsukasas hair, first wetting it then adding some shampoo.

"I use this shampoo sometimes.. It gives your hair a scent and makes it a bit more softer" rui said, scrubbing tsukasas hair.

"No one will be here love, i promi-"

A familiar voice said. Oh fuck. Akito?? Toya??

"This ones occupied"
Rui shouted a bit, he began humming the tune again as he washed tsukasas hair, gentle, affectionate, care.

"Nevermind, cmon akito" tsukasa and rui heard footsteps walk away, "hmmm..hmm..hmmm"

Is this the man tsukasa would be marrying?? Indeed yes.

"Done! Here, ill rinse it"
Rui took the shower head out of its holder and turned its speed down to rinse tsukasas hair.

"Close your eyes darling, or the shampoo might get into your eyes." Tsukasa nodded and closed his eyes, rui rinsed the shampoo down slowly until it was completely gone.

"Have the soap, i think theres another one for me"
Tsukasa got up from the chair and took the soap, he accidentally slipped until rui caught him in time.

"Carefull now love! You almost hit the ground"

Tsukasas got red as he looked up to see rui smiling innocently, sly. Tsukasa got the soap and rubbed it on his body, rui grabbed another soap and did the same.

After the shower was done, rui grabbed a towel, yet it was only one. He hopped out and tsukasa looked confused, why did he not put on the towel?

"Come out darling"
Tsukasa got out and walked to rui nervously, rui went down dabbing and drying tsukasa with the towel. Before searching his clothes locker for his own towel.

"I couldve done that on my own!!"

"Then why didnt you resist.."


love you like you are <3 [ruikasa] Where stories live. Discover now