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"Rui? Are we not going to the cafeteria to eat?"
Tsukasa asked, rui still stayed in his seat as he pulled out his lunch box.

"I wanna see if it is true that the food tastes better when your eating it in class, here, ill go get your lunchbox"


"Youl see"
Rui went up from his seat to tsukasas locker, 4444, angel number shit. (Thats my royale high locker pass funfact)

"Hey! Thats not your locker, how did you even get in there?"

"Huh? This is tsukasa kuns locker, im getting something for him.."
Rui grabbed the lunchbox and closed the locker, then returning to the clasroom.
"Here you go tsukasa kun! Emu told me to put it in your locker"

Tsukasas face got red and he hided it as he opened his lunchbox, omurice. Made my emu, emurice? Wait..

"Huh? A note?" Tsukasa readed it, when he flipped it over and readed ruis side, he took the chance to slightly punch rui.

Rui sarcasticly said, putting the back of his hand to his forehead.

"Oh sorry, did i hurt you?"
Tsukasa also said in a jokingly tone, he then lightly punched rui again.

"We have PE after this right?"

"..oh my god, PE? seriously??"

"Yeah! Now better eat"


"Hm.. Ok, is team B here? Etsukio, tsukasa, rui.. Ena.. Mizuki.. Meiruko, hm.. Okay, all of you are here, wait, tsukasa? Why are not wearing your PE uniform?"

"O-oh.. Uhm, i! Forgot it in my dorm, yeah, my dorm.."
Tsukasa had lied, actually, he got it dirty and forgot they had PE today.

"Ah! Dont worry kasa kun, here, i think i have your PE uniform in my bag.."
Rui pulled out that was indeed tsukasas PE uniform, WHERE THE HELL DID HE GET THAT?? Everyone stared in shock as tsukasa smiled and took the uniform, everyone. Team B AND team A. Hell, even the non existent team C stared in shock.

"Oh, thank you rui, im gonna go change in the clothes locker room real quick"
Rui nodded and acted like nothing had happened again.

Tsukasa sat down next to rui, the coach began looking at them.

"You, uh, mizuki, go agaisnt shikaizu, run the track 2 times seperately, mizuki first. Start running when i say go"

Mizuki nodded and got up, 2 times along a mile track, god.

"And, go!"
Mizuki started running as shikaizu was warming up, this track was indeed long, but mizuki was fast.


Rui yelled, tsukasa decided to join to and the whole team B started yelling it. Cheesy, but it was fun. The one who shouted the loudest was ena.

"9 minutes and 23 seconds! Alright shikaizu, your up."

Mizuki sat down and drank from their water bottle, then high fiving rui, tsukasa, and ena.

"3, 2, 1, go!"

Shikaizu started running, first mistake, looking back to stick a tongue out at mizuki. Wich caused her to slow down, second mistake, not keeping up a consistent pace, almost falling.

"10 minutes and 7 seconds."

Team A yelled in shock and frustration as it was announced, they shade down team B so much they forgot their own problems. While mizuki was having a blast since they won.

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