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None of the charas are mine here, except char fillers for theater, background, and etc.

"Rui kun! You came, but where is tsukasa kun?" Mizuki looked at rui as he sat on the chair, he seemed a bit tired but mizuki seemed to be wide awake.

"Coming down now, there he is!" Rui always kept up his cat energy tone, even when he is tired. Tsukasa rubbed his eyes walking down the spiral fancy ass stairs that somehow the college afforded and sat on ruis lap. Sure, there was another seat, but not as comfy.

"This feels targeted towards me and ena, anyways! So me and ena stayed up all night brainstorming ideas, well shes asleep right now, so i was thinking! We can get an to say her and kohane have some trouble at the location and need toyas help or"
Mizuki took a deep breath before putting their entire life into what their about to say next.

"An already helped to plan timing and things, akito already made the reservations, what im thinking is since toya sees tsukasa as sorta as a brother, he can help as in say hes in a restaurant and he has way less yen to pay or smh, akito will be at the very front in the seat so toya will see him first! What do you think?" Mizuki said this as they drawed what it would look like, poor drawings but ena seemed to try to help mizuki improve.

Tsukasa lifted a finger and putted it on mizukis drawings, connecting some dots while saying, "that would be a great idea! Well, rui and me will get ready for club stage now.."

Tsukasa tried to get up from rui, but rui carried him to the dorms again. Well, they heard there was a new club leader since the old leader left, there was a college play coming up either way. (I think yall know how cliche this is but love it)

"Why do you even like to carry me?? Im not complaining or anything b-"

"Just practicing"



"Tenma san! Did you hear about how there is gonna be a new leader? The old leader haisuki left for some reason!"

A girl ran to tsukasa, she was wearing a purple shirt and not so long not so shirt black skirt, with her tail in a ponytail to. She was one of the club members.

"Mhm, i think her name started with ha-"

"Hazushu naminoku! Your new leader of this club"

Another girl walked in looking proud, she sat a chair and everyone went up to her.

"Hello! I am Hazushu naminoku, you can call me naminoku san or hazushu senpai, i am the new leader of the group besides our teacher director! Haisuki left because she dropped college, teacher director said that the new play will be called blooming heart of the sea, while we dont do much, were doing romance for this play! Here is the sheet for the story, you can see if you wanna play in it or no! "

Hazushus voice was soft and she seemed friendly, she handed everyone the story sheet.

"Aha! This story is nice, ill audition!"

Rui stared at his paper, but then snapped back when tsukasa talked to him.

"Oh! Yes love? Im gonna audition to, lets just wait for nominoku san to say anything"

"Excuse me, not meaning to barge in but hazushu senpai said to give the members these, she got them from the director" they handed tsukasa and rui the papes.

Tsukasa and rui looked at the sheets, it was the full story sheet. Seems to be a leader x assistant type story, rui giggled at the sheet and told tsukasa how alike he and the main chara acts.

Just then, they saw a group of 2 girls together reading the sheet to.

"Im definitely gonna audition for assistant kiruiko! Dont you think i fit the part mihari?"

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