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Tsukasa looked at rui who was staring at him after putting his phone down, rui was looking at tsukasa.

"Can we, cuddle again?"

"Mhm, sure!" Rui said smiling.

Before getting into bed, tsukasa looked for a remote control to turn on the tv.
After trying to look for it for some time, he finally found it and got on the bed.

"How about a horror movie?" Tsukasa said teasingly.
"Thatd be nice"
Rui grabbed the remote and putted on a horror movie, while tsukasa couldnt do anything since he didnt wanna seem like a scaredy cat.

30 minutes in of a girl screaming as the figure lured her out of her safe place,tsukasa was already sweating in fear.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep! Just a bit nervous.."

Rui got up followed by tsukasa sitting up confused. Rui fell on tsukasa into a hug while combing his hair and ended up cuddling with him, wich made rui kiss tsukasas cheek again.

Now the 2 boys were in bed cuddling with each other watching a horror movie, when scary parts came up tsukasa occasionally hided his face in his pillow, while rui was still watching.

----5 pm----

Now that the movie was over, it was time to go back to the dorms. Since tmrw they had college, they started getting ready to go back.


Rui settled down on his bed while tsukasa was on his phone, getting curious, rui checked his phone.


The wonderlands

(💚) nene.
= @(💛) world STAR!✩, @(💜) mr director !, can me and emu chan visit you guyses dorms? Were pretty bored

(💛) world STAR!✩
= No

(💜) mr director !
= sure! Why not

(💛) world STAR!✩
= sure

= coming over with nene chan rn!!

(💛) world STAR!✩
= i just heard the knock, our dorms are like 5 ft apart how r u guys so quick

(💚) nene.
= faster legs, thats all

(💜) mr director !
= setted up the table and chairs, come on in


Nene and emu entered the dorm, wich was decorated with pretty neat colors and objects.
"Have a seat nene chan, emu chan!"
Emu and nene sat at a seat and they began talking.

"Since your here, i can finally argue how mizuki and you were platonic! And nene chan can back me up!"

"Hmph, then do it, ill probably not change my mind"

Emu watched nene intently and so did tsukasa, waiting on what she was gonna say.

"Mizuki and you WERE platonic, but you and tsukasa is not"

"I agree with the first one, but not the second one!"

"Would you prefer talking abt u and rui or rui and mizuki?"

"...rui and mizuki.."

"Great, now,as i was saying, mizuki and you were platonic, im pretty sure your attachment issues were high in middle school and since mizuki was the only one whod sit at lunch with you, you dated them because you didnt want yourself to be alone, you broke up with them because you felt like you lost your feelings, but actually you just realized you never had feelings but made your brain convince you you had them"

love you like you are <3 [ruikasa] Where stories live. Discover now