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"Ms hinori, ive seen alot of complaints about how the play isnt done faster and we should rehearse the whole play at once, do you think we can do that? Itl certainly decrease the time to"

"..ill look into it, scram before i change my mind"

Rui left the directors office with a swift turn,mizuki was listening on it through the door.

"She said shel look into it, lets go now before she does change her mind"

Tsukasa was waiting in the alleyway for rui and mizuki, he leaned on the brick wall and tilted his head downwards.

"Tsukasa! Were back!"
Tsukasa lifted his head as mizuki and rui approached him, tsukasa proudly smiled and held his hand out, rui was a bit confused so he just took tsukasas hand and tsukasa held ruis hand tight, oh, they were holding hands.

"So much third wheeling.."

"And watch ME get confused for the third wheeler"

"So this area is just a safe place for you two to be all lovey?"

"Watch us makeout and not get caught"

"NEVER, well, we should get going"

"Where would we go?"

"We should invite emu and nene chan to my house! We dont have any more classes do we?"

"Hey!! What about me??"

"Mizuki!! Do you wanna go hang out with the g-"

"Sure! Bye rui, bye tsukasa!" Mizuki ran to ena, rui was texting nene and emu on his phone.


He wonderlands

(💜) mr director !
= wanna go to my house guys?? Tsukasas coming to

= i dont see why not!!

(💚) nene.
= i felt like ive havent been there since last year

(💜) mr director !
= alright!, meet at my house, ill open the door

(💚) nene.
= oh your mom already opened the door for us

(💜) mr director !
= what??

(💚) nene.
= she hasnt changed, wow, guess wel wait for you guys


Rui looked behind the wall to see if anyone was there, a couple of teens sure, mizuki and ena, kanade and mafuyu to. Mizuki spotted rui and whispered something to ena, kanade, and mafuyu. They got up and blocked the view of rui and tsukasa, giving them time to run out of sight.

--at ruis house--

Rui opened the door and tsukasa got in first to avoid sight, rui got in next normally and ruis mother was cooking something.

"Rui!! Tsukasa kun!!!!" Emu shouted, nene was talking to ruis mother as she cooked.

"Your ruis friend and ex if i remember? Ah! I remember when you two were still kids and playing together, are you 2 back together now or??"

"No, tsukasa is ruis boyfriend, i have a girlfriend"

"Oh yes! I mustve forgotten..would you like some food? Your fav one? I think i remember what it is.."

"Ma! What are you cooking?"

"Some soup, your fav recipe to be precise"

"Can you cook this recipe?"

"Let me take a look.. Shouldnt be to hard! Sure"

Rui winked at tsukasa, it was indeed his fav soup recipe. Mixed with ruis mothers amazing cooking skills, well, you can imagine.

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