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Rui is gonna be a bit wild in this shit so prepare, remember they are 27

"Mixing.. Mixing! Mixing, MIXING!!!"

"Emu.. We're just baking a cake, why so aggressive..?"

"B-but it's for our friends wedding!! Oh wait, yeah.. Why am i aggressive? Welp! Anyways, gotta keep mixing the batter~"

Emu was mixing the batter while Tsukasa was breathing, heavily. It looked like he almost couldn't breathe.


"So, how much are they paying you? Enanan?"

"Somewhere around 800k yen? We're gonna be well off for some months, Mizuki."

"Honeyyy, can you grab me more batter? This is gonna be one WUMBO JUMBO cake! Uh.. 5 layers to be exact."

"Alright.. Eh.. I really like this cake actually! I wanna taste all the frosting.. So, fluffy.."


"It's your big day, isn't it?"

"Yep.. I'm really, really, really nervous."

"Well.. You better treat my brother right! Promise?"
Saki held up her pinky finger.

Saki laughed and she kicked her feet back and forth, while Rui was trying to remember his vows and shit.

"My brother always said if i died, if i saw stars, one of them would be him looking on my grave. Honestly, kinda disturbing, but also a bit sweet from him."

"Honestly, Saki, I'm just.. Really nervous for some reason. I'm excited and happy but just nervous. You know, maybe because i'm marrying the love of my life."

"Hey! You should fix your makeup a bit. The red eyeliner is a bit off."

Rui's eyes widened. "It is? Let me see." He checked by a mirror and sure enough, his makeup was a bit wonky.

"Saki! How's it going? All the flowers ready?"

"Honami! Of course, i actually picked out special ones too, sunflowers and lavenders~"

Rui fixed up his makeup and took a deep breath, he went outside to check on someone.

"Ketuika? Are you doing alright?"

"Uhm.. Yeah! Thanks for having me play the piano here.. Especially on such a big day. I really hope you and Tsukasa live a good life together!"

"Thank you, Ketuika."

"I'm so.. Nervous for this wedding."

---with Tsukasa---


"Gah! Tsukasa-kun, relax, it's nerve racking at first but it'll be okay!"

Tsukasa hugged Emu tightly as possible as Nene's blood felt like it was boiling, she slapped Tsukasa lightly and kept his head in place to continue his makeup.

"Not paid enough for this shit. Fucking gays.. At least this is 100k yen. And at least Rui can do his own makeup.. Now keep your head still. And try to not cry because funfact your mascara will mix in with those salt water crocodiles."

"You are fucking mean."


"KYAAAAA, EVERYTHING LOOKS SO WONDERHOY! Luckily you guys are rich.. Hey, make sure when you have a child, make them call me and Nene-chan auntie!!✩"

"Emu-kun, we're just getting married and you're already talking about kids? Fufu~ how strange yet interesting of you."

"Goodluck Rui, marry your man."

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