Chapter 2

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Age -- too young.

I needed to do something about how people saw me, specifically my age.

I briefly thought of leaving mum, running away so i could be free to do as I needed without too much worry but I quickly throw the thought away.

I lost mum before and I was going to treasure the extra time I have with her here.

I had a job to do though, I NEEDED to get into UA and without any problems but I also need to keep my skills updated.

I needed to go back to who I once was, who I was in the future, or is it now the past?

"time travel, confusing" I mumble.

schooling -- needed to get into UA.

I hated that I still needed to attend this horrid excuse of a school to be able to get into UA, I needed to graduate but that doesn't mean I needed to come to school, I just needed to pass the graduation tests.

"that's if I had a quirk..."

since I never did such a thing in the past I didn't know if they would hold me back even if I pass the tests because I'm quirkless.

I keep to myself during school and classes but Kacchan still made a point to annoy me. I couldn't fight back, not if I wanted to tip him off that I am different to yesterday. On my way home I went into some stores to buy new clothes.

To keep my body up to scratch to get in UA I was going to go back to my old profession, what I did before the apocalypse. I worked as a vigilante but then the apocalypse happened and there was only so much I could do before the world didn't need a vigilante anymore.

I bought black skinny jeans, a vest, a red tie and a white dress shirt. It wouldn't provide much protection but it's what I was used to and I believe confort is better. I bought a mask and some clay materials to mould a mask.

The next day after school and managing to escape before Kacchan found me I went back to Dagoba beach and cleaned some more, working out as well during some little breaks I took.

There was only four months until the UA entrance exam in February and I wanted to be ready.

After a few days of moulding my mask shape I made a mould that I could use to make a metal mask. When I was finished making the mould I made a small forge hidden in the garbage on dagoba beach where I also had access to metal.

When I had finally cast my mask I waited for it to cool and then I fixed it up with some sandpaper that I had bought to smooth it out.

The next day I took my mask to a workshop where I managed to have enough saved up to rent a few tools at the workshop to finish my mask. I smoothed it out and made sure it fit.

"what cha making that for kid?" I hear.


"interesting, is it meant to be a skull shape?"


Soon I was finished with the mask and I needed to make sure it sat on my face okay. I had made the metal part of the mask first, now I had to make the actual mask bit.

After making sure it sat on my face comfortably enough I had to test if it'd stay on while jumping around.

It took me about a month to finally finish my mask. It looked like a deer skull with small antlers and sharp teeth. I could see out of the eye holes and I loved it. I never did have a mask in the past and I had been told often I should've made a mask but I couldn't be bothered by that point.

That afternoon I was finally ready to go out. After having dinner and saying goodnight to mum. I got changed and snuck out the window with my mask.

On my first night I stopped a few robberies and rapes just made it knows that I am here. I wanted to get his attention and the only way to do that is to get known or run into him while on patrol but I was just mostly enjoying the freedom that this brought me. I didn't care if I'd be tired for school tomorrow, all that mattered was now.

I decide to take a break and sat on the edge of a building swinging my legs humming.

I needed to leave mum and live on my own to keep everything a secret, I wasn't her son, not the one she knows. I wanted to make a new, fake, identity and get a job but I needed to finish school and it would be hard to do that if I tried to run away.

It'd be easier if I actually wanted to leave her. I miss her, even with her being with me now. The years I spent living without her and longing for her hugs made me miss her so much that even with her alive now and within reach still doesn't change my longing for her.

I get up and stretch and peaked at my watch.

"3AM, hmm, if I go home now I might get three hours of sleep before having to go to school." I turn away from the edge and hopped down. I do a few simple stretches and then began the fun hopping session back home, making sure no one was following me.

After returning home and getting into my pyjamas I took notice of how my body was starting to fill out and it wasn't because of muscles but because I was finally eating regularly. I had concluded that my body's makeup had been transferred to my younger self when I fell through the portal.

It explained the scars and malnutrition that I had and that I had to hide from others because I know for a fact that I wasn't like this when I was this age before.

Mum might be a little suspicious because I got excited when I saw dinner the night I came back forgetting that we used to eat that amount of food before the world went to ruin.

I look over to my clock and noted that it was 6:30AM. I could sleep till 8AM, I'd have to rush but It'd be better than an hours worth of sleep.

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