Chapter 11

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After the day started I got ready, I packed my vigilante stuff into a backpack and headed out to UA. It always surprised me that USJ and many different huge cities were on the campus for training and that we needed a bus to make it to the different areas.

I had to sneak into the Campus, I couldn't use my ID otherwise they would find out Vivid is actually me. I mange to hide from the many camera's Principal Nezu has around the place making it to the side of USJ. I quickly get changed and pull on my mask and beanie. I put all my little bags on my belt and my bo staff holster on my leg and my rope dart on a hook on my left side.

I hide my bag in the bushes and grabbed my rope dart. I use it as a grappling hook and climbed up onto the roof of the USJ. I look through the windows to see Aizawa jumping into a group of villains and the kids get separated. I do notice Iida getting out and sprinting off down the road.

Good, it's still going like Aizawa told me. I watch as Shitaraki points and the Nomu next to him starts to move.


I quickly smash the window and drop down. I land on top of the Nomu and stab him in the brain. I jump off him and land next to Aizawa.


"what's up Eraser" I say happily.

"why are you here?" he asks, punching a villain; knocking him out.

"I heard of a villain wanting to attack this place when 1A was visiting." I say keeping an eye on the Nomu. It has already healed from the wound I gave it.

"How do you know that?" I hear. I look and see Shitaraki scratching his neck.

"I have my ways~" I sing out and he snarls.

"Nomu, kill him."

Suddenly the Nomu is in front of us. I jump out of the way, pushing Aizawa along with me.

"how did you dodge something so fast?" Aizawa asks.

"Experience, I'll deal with this monster, you continue with the other villains." I say. I move before I get an answer. I sprint towards the Nomu. I dodge his attack that creates a small crater in the ground. I slide under it's legs and jump up onto its back. I grab my two knives and stabbed them into the sides of the Nomu's brain.

They slide in between its brain and skull. I push them further in to reach its brainstem.

This would kill it and hopefully it stays dead, I never fought an original Nomu so I didn't know how well it healed. I move my knives in opposite directions and cut off its brainstem. It stops moving and slumps.

I withdraw from it and stay on guard.

Now I had to worry about Shitaraki, he'd attack now that the Nomu is out of commission.

"you brat!" he says.

"Really, why does everyone assumes I'm a brat, I'm older than you!" I grumble. Shigaraki runs towards me and I dodge his attacks.

After fighting Nomu for a few years helps with your reaction time and I couldn't afford getting hurt otherwise Aizawa would find out tomorrow in class. I grab Shigaraki's arm and trip him, slamming him to the ground. I step on his other hand so he couldn't really retaliate.

I grab my knife and get ready to kill him but am stopped by a loud explosion. I look up to see All Might and he wasn't smiling. I look back to Shigaraki and raise my knife. I start to swing it down but the next thing I know I am getting picked up and my arm was grabbed harshly. It is squeezed hard enough to force me to drop my knife.

"Let me go, I need to kill him!" I yell. I look behind me to see All Might. I feel the air infront of us shift and look back to see Shigaraki disappear through a portal.

Fucking All Might!

"All Might." Aizawa's voice was calm as he approached us.

"Aizawa, this isn't one of our students, who is this?" All Might asks "What happened here?"

"that's Vivid, he helped us." Aizawa says. He looks up to me and I glare. I struggle in All Might's grip. "let him down."

"But, I've got him caught, if he is the vigilante Vivid we can take him into custody now." All Might says.

"I know." Aizawa says pinching his nose. "but he saved us by helping so, I owe him and I can pay him back right away by letting him go free, for now."

"very well then" All Might put's me down but doesn't let me go.

"Sensei!" I watch as the others run down to the lobby. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Aizawa grunts, earning smiles and 'thank gods' from his students.

"let me go!" I growl. All Might sighs and lets me free. I jump away from him, getting closer to Aizawa and farther from him.

I was so close, so close to ending all this and preventing further destruction but fucking All Might being the fucking hero he is had to save Shitaraki!

I scowl and storm off to a villain I noticed trying to get back up after having been knocked out by Aizawa earlier in the battle. I kick his head knocking him out again.

"be careful Vivid." Aizawa comments. I swing around and flip him off but the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I swing around to look at the Nomu. I see it twitch and I scowl.

It has better healing than the Nomu in the Original, I guess they wanted it to survival all most anything to fight against All Might. It'd probably have to be torn appart and burned to be killed properly.

"What's wrong"

"that fucker is still alive." I say pointing at the Nomu.

"Didn't you stab it's brain?" Aizawa asks.

"I severed it's brain stem but it heals, it won't do anything without orders from Shigaraki." I say.

"How do you know." All Might asks.

"Eraser knows the answer to that." I grumble.

I was pissed, I was so close to finishing all this shit but All Might ruined it.


"He has his ways." Aizawa says, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"well, I'm off before more heroes arrive, my job here is finished, my goal was fucked over but I'll have to deal." I say picking my knife up and putting it away.

"your goal?" Aizawa asks. I turn to him and then look at the students, watching me cautiously. They weren't doing anything but they were all standing stiff, probably ready to move at a moments notice since they heard I am Vivid, a vigilante. I look away, not wanting to answer.

"I thought you were a night time vigilante!" I hear.

"I am but I didn't want my pal Eraser and his kids getting hurt and like I said, my goal was here but I failed." I say, switching from playful to serious.

"and I asked what your goal was." Aizawa says. I look Aizawa dead in the eyes.

"it is to kill Shigaraki." I turn to All Might "your righteous ass prevented me from doing that."

"killing is unheroic." All Might says.

"As you know All Might, I'm not a fucking hero!" I growl "I'm a vigilante, I'm already breaking that law, killing someone will only make my sentence longer than what it could be and I don't give a shit about that!" All Might blinks at me shocked.

"Vivid." Aizawa says. I could hear a small amount of disappointment in his voice and it annoys me.


"you better get going, I was only giving you a chance to escape once, the others will be here shortly." he says.

"right, thanks, see ya Eraser." I give him a small wave before sprinting out of the building. I grab my bag and race out.

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