Chapter 30

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After Hassaikai is taken away and Mirio takes Eri away to get treated I stretch and get ready to leave.

"Thankyou for helping out Vivid." Aizawa says.

"All good, it's what we do right?" I say gently patting his shoulder. I rest my hands on the back of my head and I swing around. "Well, I'm off."

"Wait" I turn back around to see all the other heroes watching me carefully.

Suddenly one attacks and I jump away, I immediately start running away. I vaguely hear Aizawa yell something. I keep running but every now and then a hero manages to catch up and attack me or they attacked from a distance. I had to dodge their attacks but I also had to stop civilians from getting caught up in them as well. While trying to dodge an attack I stumble and fall over.

I hear crunching as I land and curse. I hop back up and find a dumpster shoot. I quickly dive into it before the heroes could see and managed to escape by taking off my vigilante costume before walking out into the street. I return home and immediately have a shower.

I stopped before landing in the trash but the shoot itself was also disgusting.

"Mum, do i still smell?" I ask at dinner. Mum walks over and gives the air a few sniffs and smiles.

"no hunny, you're fine."

After dinner I head to my room and then pull out the broken vials. I was happy to see that one was still intact.

Good, I could still use it to stop Shigaraki without killing him.

The next afternoon I head back out as Vivid. During my break I hear familiar footsteps. I quickly jump up and move away.

"Vivid, don't run." Aizawa says.

"Why not." I snap.

"I didn't know, they promised that you would be let go after the raid." he says.

"After finally feeling like I could trust you and call you a friend, I don't know what to think right now."

Somehow Aizawa actually looks hurt by this and I sigh.

"Vivid, I'm sorry." he says "It was my suggestion that you join the raid but they planned to capture you behind my back."

"Sorry Eraser, See ya round." I quickly jump down from the building but right after a black portal appears under me as I fell.


I wake up strapped to a table.

I quickly look around the room that I was in and take notice of all the torture looking instruments hanging on the walls. I struggle in the bindings but it was no use.

The moment I stop stuggling a door opens and two men walk in. One looks like a typical doctor or mad scientist. He is in a lab coat and had goggle glasses on. He had a sick looking grin on his face revealing crooked yellowing teeth.

The other man was tall, really tall, he is wearing a black suit and had no facial features except for a mouth.

"Ah, good you're awake, I hear you are the vigilante that has been trying to kill my student." The tall man says.

Fear rushes through my body.

"AFO," I breath.

"oh, you know me, then this will be easier." he reaches over to me and grabs my head. "hm, you're quirkless?"

"what of it!" I growl. A sick smile comes to the mans lips.

Right after my whole body erupts in pain. I try to stay conscious but my vision is quickly swamped in black.

I open my eyes to a dark room with a little light coming through. I shoot up and look around, holding my throbbing head. I was still in my vigilante clothes and my mask was still on as well.

Good, they probably don't know who I am yet. I am drawn to the light coming in through a small window.

I jump to my feet and peak through it.

It's dark.

I jump up and grab the rusty bars and walk up the wall. I position my feet against the wall and use all my strength to pull on the bars hoping they would break from the rust.

My hope held out and they started to creak and bend until eventually they gave. I land hard on the floor but I am quick to get back up and climb out the window.

What had AFO done to me, it had hurt like hell!. There isn't much that can make me pass out like I did.

I suddenly start to hear weird voices in my head. They only got worse the closer I got to town.

Once I made it to town I quickly climb up to the roof of a random building. I hold my throbbing head.

The bastard had given me a quirk. Going by what I have been hearing so far it must be a mind reading quirk.

One I have no control over.

"Vivid!" I look up to see Aizawa.

"Eraser..." He runs over to me and grabs my shoulders.

"What's wrong?" he asks. "is he hurt, I need to help, I hope I can gain his trust back."

I groan at the second voice resonating in my head.

"AFO caught me and forced a quirk onto me, it sucks." I explain. "I'm going to go home and get rid of it." I force myself to get up and I try to ignore Aizawa's persistant thoughts.

"how can you get rid of it?" he asks "he was kidnapped by AFO, a quirk was forced onto him?"

"argh, go away, you're asking too many questions." I groan. " I stole quirk destroying bullets during the raid."

I turn to Aizawa who looked shocked.

"I was hoping to use the bullets to stop Shigaraki without killing him but when I was getting chased I fell over and they all smashed but for one and there is no way I am saving that and living with this nightmare, I'll just have to kill Shigaraki." I turn around grumbling. "I'll see you around Eraser."

I quickly escape from Aizawa and make my way home. I am quickly hugged by mum.

I get out of her hug and escaped her questions both verbal and internal and head to my room. I immediately find the hidden quirk destroying bullet and stabbed my arm with it.

Right after everything goes quiet.

"oh, thank god."

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