Chapter 17

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"Midoriya, you're distracted." Aizawa says irritated.

"Sorry, I've just got something on my mind." I mumble. Aizawa sighs, pinching his nose.

"go home, take care of whatever is distracting you and come back tomorrow in a better mindset." Aizawa says "I'll teach Shinso one on one today."

"okay sensei." I pick up my bag and left.

I immediately ran home and grabbed my black backpack and stuffed my vigilante outfit into it and my weapons.


"Hey mum, sorry, I'm in a hurry." I say zipping my bag up and leaving my room, making my way to the front door. I pull my black shoes on and mum frowns. She knows these are my vigilante shoes.

"What's happening, it's still daylight." she says.

"I remembered that something happens in Hosu with one of my classmates, I want to help him otherwise he gets killed, don't worry, eventually there will be more heroes there but they won't make it to his location in time to save him."

I jump up and give mum a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Be careful Izu." she says. I grab her hands and squeeze them.

"Don't worry mum, I'm strong and fast, I'll be fine." She gives me a worried smile and nods.

I leave home and make my way to the train station, catching a train that goes to Hosu.

Once in Hosu I hide in an alley and get changed. I climb up to a roof and stash my bag there making sure to remember where it is. I stay on the roof waiting for the commotion to start. I had an idea where he'd be but I needed to know he'd actually be there.

Just as the sun was setting screaming started up. I was immediately up and running across buildings to find the alley I needed. I jump over an alley and hear yelling. I double back and watch as Stain cuts Iida. He licks his swords and Iida suddenly drops.

"His quirk." I grumble. That means I cannot let him cut me. I grab my knives and drop down, landing on Stains shoulders. I jump off his shoulders forcing him back away from Iida. I stand infront of Iida and get ready for the fight I was about to take on.

"Who are you?" Stain asks.

"Oh, you don't know me, I was sure you'd know who I am." I say shocked. "whatever, my name is Vivid."

"ah, the vigilante, I don't wish to fight you, you are a true hero." he says. I grimace at that. I was far from a hero, I have killed and I'm going to kill again.

"I'm no hero." I say. Stain smiles and holds his katana ready.

"it seems there is truth behind that line, what have you done that is unheroic, you save people without looking for money or recognition." Stain says.

"I have killed and I will do so again, one last time if I have any say in it."

"then, were the ones you killed heroes?" he asks.

"some were, some weren't." Stain's smile fades and he holds up his blade. "but that was in another time."

This confuses him and I grin. I bolt towards him catching him a little of guard but it wasn't enough and he manages to block me and jump out of reach of my knives.

"you're getting in my way Vivid." Stain snarls.

"If I'm such a problem then just kill me." Stain shoots towards me and I jump out of the way. He continues forward towards Iida.

"Shit!" I run past him and somehow manage to block his sword. Stain grabs a handful of my shirt and pulls me closer.

"ugh, seriously, breath mints!" I rip his hand from my shirt and forced him away from Iida.

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