Chapter 8

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Once we were all outside Eraserhead, or I should call him Aizawa-sensei now, explains that we will be doing a series of fitness tests but we were allowed to use our quirks. He then drops the bomb that the person who places last will be expelled. Cute ruse.

Kacchan was the first to go being call upon to demonstrate the ball throw and then we started with the rest of the tests. Even though the ball throw was demonstrated first it was the last test the rest of the class did. I did alright but I wouldn't be first, I may be good because of my experiences but I'm not as good as someone with a quirk. The results were revealed and I was tenth on the list.
It was a good position considering everyone else has quirks.
The person in last place was Mineta and he started wailing at the thought of getting kicked out. I notice Aizawa's eyes twitch and thought he'd changed his ruse to be real but he announced that no one will be getting expelled and that it was just something he said to make them work to their fullest.
Soon the day was over and we were all getting ready to head home.
"outta my way fucking Deku!" Kacchan yells. I step to the side and he stomps his way out of the classroom. I was tempted to tell him to mind his language and volume, it was still strange to be able to talk above a whisper without worrying a Nomu would find you.
I pack my bag and left to go home.
Once home I excitedly told mum about what had happened in class today. She listened without interrupting while making dinner.
After dinner I went to my room to complete my homework and rest.
I get woken up by my alarm and I quickly silence it, heart racing. I slowly look around.
"right, back in the past" I sigh "no Nomu"
I hope out of bed making almost no sound. I quickly get changed into my vigilante outfit and grabbed my tools and weapons. I pull on my belt and attach the little pockets I have that contain many different kinds of first aid things like bandages, needles and thread, disinfectant, band-aids and some medication.

I pull my mask, gloves and beanie on before picking up my new vigilante shoes. Originally I wore my normal red sneakers but I wear them in public so I bought new ones specifically for when I do my vigilante work.
Everything I was wearing was black now, even my socks. I slowly slide my window open and sat on the sill while I pulled my shoes on. I then slip out holding onto the pipe next to my window and I closed it before carefully climbing my way down the pipe.

After an hour of patrolling I had already stopped a few muggings, sexual assaults and brawls.
One asshole actually managed to punch me while I was trying to stop the group from fighting.
I am now sitting on the edge of a building having a break and gently massaging my jaw. I hear the gentle thump of someone landing on the roof and I look over to see Aizawa.
"didn't you start teaching today?" I ask smirking. Aizawa freezes and then sighs.
"how do you know about that?" he asks..
"I have my ways,"
He takes a seat next to me, closer than we sat before now that he's seen me under lights.
"what happened?"
"got punched, was trying to stop a brawl without joining but they were all drunk and not listening."
"did you end up stopping them?"
"yeah, had to knock them out though, so I call the police after tying them up."
I stretch my arms and sigh relaxing my muscles.
"tired?" Aizawa asks.
"long day, but I've had longer."
A slight noise catches my attention and I'm up from the ledge fast. Aizawa is right behind me as I ran across rooftops to reach the noise I had heard. we come to an alley where three guys were surrounding another.

I scowl at the situation.

I could hear them taunting the other because of his quirk, calling him a villain.

"Assholes." I grumble. I quickly slip over the edge. I hear Aizawa say something behind me but I ignore it. I drop down onto the ground behind the group, they still hadn't noticed me.

"Hey, fuckers." I call out. All three turn to me shocked, even the one that they were harassing. "leave him alone."

"who the fuck are you?" the on in the middle was quite tall and he looked fairly normal, except for the fangs and claws. The other two had mutations as well, one had a lizard like tail and sections of scales and the other had feathers along his arms and tallons for feet.

"wait, this brat looks familiar."

"Brat?, I'm older than you." I say

"being that small, ha!"
"get rid of him, then, we'll continue." The one in the middle seemed to be the leader and he was also the one keeping a hold of the kid they were harassing. I smile and get into a fighting stance. they both came at the same time. I quickly knocked the two out and then turned to the last.


"I'm just better, should've listened to your friend if he said he'd heard of me."

He drops the kid and runs over to me, teeth flared and claws ready to strike. I step out of his charge and wacked him on the back of the neck, knocking him out as well. I watch him fall and scoff. how could they think they were gonna win when they knew nothing about me.

"hey, you alright?" I ask, happily turning to the kid who was still against the wall, stunned.

"...why'd you do that?" he asks.

"to help."

"that's just going to make them worse." he says.

"hmm, then how bout this, give me your phone."


"just give it to me, I'm not gonna hurt you."

I hold out my hand and he gives me his phone. I don't miss his hesitation but I just smile and take the phone. I put in my number and write Vivid as the name. I quickly send a message so I could have his number as well. He quickly takes his phone back and gapes when he seems the name.

"Vivid, the vigilante?"

"one and only, what's your name?"

"Shinso, Hitoshi Shinso."

I quickly type in his name and put my phone away. I look up to the ledge and spot Aizawa. I wave at him and he hops down.

"you could've helped." I snark.

"you were fine." he says starting to tie the three others up. "I've seen you take on more than three kids."

"Eraserhead?" we both turn to Shinso. He looked shocked and excited at the same time.

"Oh, would you look at that Eraser, you have another fan other than me!"

"Shut up."

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