Chapter 9

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The next day school started with our first foundational Hero studies class. When waiting for our teacher everyone chatted with their desk mates so we didn't leave our seats. Suddenly All Might bursts through the door, apparently coming in like a normal person.

It was far from normal.

"Okay class, everyone grab your hero costume cases and let's go out to ground beta!" He says. Everyone was so excited. We grabbed our cases and soon were dressed in our hero costumes and were standing inside ground beta in front of a large building.

"Deku, your hero costume is so plain." Uraraka says.

"I'm planning on being an underground hero, I don't want to be flashy." I explain "your costume looks good."

"I should have been more specific, I didn't want it to be so tight." she says sheepishly.

"I think it looks good and if it was baggy it could get caught on stuff." I say.

"yeah, I guess so." she says grinning.

I was in nothing more than black jeans, a black long-sleeved tight shirt and I had a belt with many different bags containing things, much like my Vigilante costume. I had gotten new versions of my weapons, I was hoping Aizawa doesn't suspect me because of my weapons but I was also hoping he finds out and believes me.

It'd make everything much easier.

All Might explains we would be fighting in pairs against another pair. One would play heroes, the other villains and the hero's job would be to either catch the villains or secure their weapon which was going to be a giant 'bomb'.

I ended up being paired with Uraraka and in my normal unlucky fashion, we get paired with Iida and Kacchan. Iida wasn't the problem, it was Kacchan. Ever since he saw me on the first day he has been seething and I knew he wouldn't leave me alone now that he has a chance to beat me up. Somehow he hasn't said anything about me being quirkless.

My unlucky streak continued when we were the group that goes first. Me and Uraraka are the heroes and Iida and Kacchan are the villains. They went in first allowing me and Uraraka to make a plan.

"Uraraka-san, I have a plan." Uraraka nods and I continue "You go find Iida and find the weapon, I'll fight Kacchan, he'll come after me anyway."


"He has a bone to pick with me, he'll ignore you, okay?"

"Okay, I got it!" she looked really happy and excited. I knew I would have to hold back against these kids, especially since my actual skills are used more for killing than anything.

Soon the buzzer went off and we snuck into the building. We were just about to turn the corner to the stairs when I hear footsteps. From the way they were stomping I knew it was Kacchan.

"Uraraka-san, Kacchan is around the corner." I whisper. Uraraka nods and I jump out getting Kacchan's attention.

"Shitty Deku!" he yells blasting towards me. I see Uraraka quickly make her way up the stars as I jump out of the way of Kacchan's blast.

I knew the camera's don't have audio so I didn't have to worry about them hearing anything that Kacchan says.

"how the fuck did a quirkless shit like you get into UA?" he asks.

"I trained like everyone else." I say dodging another blast. Kacchan comes at me again with a right hook and I step past his strike. I grab his arm and flip him over my shoulder. I quickly step on his other arm to stop him from getting up and then I kneeled on his chest with my other leg.

He glares at me and I reach for my capture tape. I knew I had to be fast, I was more experienced but Kacchan was a smart and strong kid, even when he first started training to be a hero.

He did become the number one hero before the world went to shit. Looking at his younger self reminded me of our childhood. I still want to be friends with him but we never really did reconcile, in the Original even if we spoke to each other.

I've decide to call the future where I came from the Original, since me being here now is going to change the future from what is was.

I get a little distracted thinking about the past and Kacchan ends up kicking me off before I could capture him.

Shit, stop reminiscing, I have to focus on now.

Kacchan stands up and smirks.

"Remember how my quirk works Deku?" he asks holding up his arm and grabbing the small pin on his gauntlet. I nod and he grins.

"then you'll understand what this is, it collects my sweat and holds it for later so I can make a bigger blast."

"Kacchan, do not set that off." I warn but Kacchan does not listen and starts to pull the pin. I quickly duck out of the way as the explosion flies past me, catching my left shoulder. For a moment I think I heard All Might telling Kacchan not to unleash the blast as well.

I hiss at the pain in my shoulder. The silence after the blast was eery and the dust falling sets me on edge. There was too many things reminding me of the Original, fighting Nomu and surviving the end of the world.

I could feel my heart rate spiking and it felt like I couldn't breath.

"damn it..." I couldn't panic here, not like this. Not with Kacchan looking for me to beat me up.

If I get swallowed by my fears I could kill him.

Suddenly Kacchan bursts into the room I was hiding in and grins when he sees me. I stand up holding my shoulder. I try to get my fear and breathing under control but it wasn't working. In the Original I frequently suffered from panic attacks because of the Nomu and I still hadn't gotten over what happened when I met All Might, with the sludge villain. Kacchan storms over to me and I duck out of the way when he goes to grab me. I react without thinking pulling one of my knives out of its sheath. I ignore the pain in my shoulder and pin Kacchan against the wall raising my knife up getting ready to stab him. I start moving but am startled when All Might's voice rings out from speakers.

"Hero's win!"

I look back to Kacchan, whose face housed shock and a slight bit of fear. My knife was stuck in the wall right next to his head, close to the side of his neck.

I quickly pull out the knife and withdraw trying to get my breathing under control. Kacchan stays still for a few moments before grumbling and leaving. I stand alone in the room and I sigh. I look at the knife in my hand.

"I was gonna kill him..."

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