Chapter 15

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I look over to see Aizawa walking over.

"Hey Eraser." I say waving.

"what happened?" He asks.

"Oh, nothing much, I've already called Tsu-chan, he should be here soon." I say standing up. I was sitting on a crate in the alley making sure the criminals that I had caught wouldn't escape before the police arrived.

"you're hurt." Aizawa says pointing at me. I look at my arm where he was pointing.

My jumper had a tear in it and blood was dripping from my fingers, soaking into my fingerless gloves.

"Oh, it doesn't hurt, I'll wrap it up once I get home." I say with a small laugh.

"No, I'll fix it up, it's hard to deal with a wound that far up your arm." he says.

"it's fine,"

"it's not, when Tsukauchi gets here we'll go to the roof and I'll fix you up, unless you want me to catch you and turn you into the police along with these guys."

"can you really catch me though?" I ask smirking.

"eventually." Aizawa says. I could tell he was serious.

I groan and rub my eyes.


Shorty after Tsu-chan arrives and takes care of the criminals. Aizawa and I head to the roof.

I drop to the floor once I made it to the middle.

"Take your jumper off." Aizawa orders. Scowling, I unzip my jumper and pull it off, leaving me in my tight black short sleeved shirt. Aizawa sits next to me so he could look at my arm. He starts messing around with a few things and then grabs my arm.

"this is going to sting." he warns. He starts to clean up the cut. It did sting but it wasn't that bad. I was used to cleaning my wounds and having to keep quiet.

If we made noise in the Original, Nomu would find us and that was worse than a stinging wound.

After cleaning the cut he put a gauze there and then wrapped it up.

"there, done." He says. I stretch my arms and sigh leaning back.

"thanks." I grumble. I reach out to grab my jumper when Aizawa's hand shoots out and grabs my wrist. I jump and look over to him and notice his frown. He was staring right at my wrist. "What's up?"

I try to pull my arm away but he was using his full strength to hold onto me.

"These scars, they weren't made from fighting villains." he says. I look at the thin white lines on my wrists and finally understood why he was so concerned.

"Oh, those, that happened a long time ago, no need to worry about that anymore." I say yanking my arm away. I quickly pull my jumper back on and look at the rip on the sleeve. I'd have to fix it but that was an easy thing to do.

"You have self-harm scars, normally you cannot trust their words when they say that they aren't doing it anymore." He says standing up to follow me.

"I'm all good, there is nothing to worry about, I got treated for it, you do know that exists, the scars are the only thing left." I grumble. I hated talking about myself, especially when it is about these scars.

"well, I've learnt a few new things." Aizawa says. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Ha, like what, I was suicidal for a while?" I ask swinging around to see the smirk fade a little.

"No, that you are younger than we originally thought." he says. I groan, of course he'd be able to tell my general age from looking at my body more closely. "but I am still confused because you said you've finished high school."

I smile and his smirk drops completely.

"Well, good luck with working that out." I say turning back towards the edge of the roof. "I'm going to continue my patrol."

"I'll join you." Aizawa says.

"I don't need supervising." I sneer.

"that's not why I want to join you, let's go." he says jumping to the next roof.

Aizawa stays with me for the rest of my patrol. Soon my 3AM alarm went off. I quickly silence the alarm and stretch.

"Well, that's me done, see ya Eraser." I wave and then jump away, starting to head home.

I always head home in different ways, making sure no one was following me.

It was something I was used to doing thanks to the Nomu in the Original, it would mean the death of everyone if our base was found by them.

I climb in through my window and got changed from my vigilante clothes. I head to the bathroom to look at the wound on my arm. I redress the wound and rewrap it.

I return to my room after grabbing a snack from the kitchen. I open up my laptop to do some research.

After the sports festival students were given a list of the heroes that wanted them to intern with them and though I got quite a few almost none would be a good fit for me. If they were to find out I don't have a quirk they might not pay me any mind and refuse to train me. I also needed to go with a hero that doesn't rely on their quirk to fight.

I looked into the few heroes that had requested me but none of them fit. I sit back thinking.

"who to choose..." I gently kick from the floor and cross my legs as my chair started to spin gently. I lean back and close my eyes feeling the chair move.

All Might would be working with his successor and Aizawa said he trained Shinso during this time. Aizawa would be a good wasn't like they were limited to one student and even if he was training Shinso he wasn't in the hero course so it wouldn't really count as an internship, however, interning with Aizawa might be risky, he might see similarities between me and Vivid and start to piece things together.

After all, Aizawa is quite smart.

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