Chapter 16

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After the weekend I came to a decision on who to intern with.

"Okay students, if you have made a choice bring your papers over and I'll send them in for approval, I will let you all know by tomorrow the results." Aizawa explains. Everyone else stands up and takes their sheets to Aizawa. I stay seated and he gives me a slight frown but says nothing. I needed to ask him first before I decided on handing in my paper.

As long as I gave it to him today there was no problem.

After class I made my way to the teachers lounge to talk to Aizawa.

"Why didn't you hand in your internship sheet?" he asks, taking a seat at his desk.

"I needed to ask you a question first."

Aizawa leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

"I would like to know if I can intern with you."

Aizawa sits straight shocked.

"why do you want to intern with me?" he asks.

"your fighting style suits me the most, I feel I will learn more by studying under you compared to another hero." I explain.

Aizawa sits back, his hand coming up to his chin.

"Alright, fill out the sheet and bring it to me."

"okay," I reach into my bag and pull out my intern paper "here"

I had already filled it out but wanted to ask before handing it over. Aizawa takes it and sets it on his desk sighing. He dismisses me and I head off to get some food.

Our next lesson was in heroics and that meant All Might, by the end of the lesson I had a headache. All Might is an amazing hero and looked up to by many but his ability to teach, less than desirable.

The next day Aizawa hands out papers and made sure everyone got on their bus or train. I followed him the whole time since he didn't give me my paper back. I follow him to a training city where I spot a head of lavender hair waiting for us.

"Shinso, this is my intern, I will still be training you but you will improve faster training against another student as well." Aizawa says. I give Shinso a smile and he glares at me.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, nice to officially meet you Shinso-kun!"

"whatever," Shinso grumbles. Aizawa starts to teach Shinso how to use his capture weapon while he made me do some basic exercises to warm up before making me show him my martial arts. He did need to know what I needed to improve in.

I try to hold back so I wasn't suspicious.

"Stop." Aizawa orders. I look up to him catching my breath "you're not doing your best, why are you pretending to be worse than you actually are."

I try to keep by expression normal. I pretend to be confused.

"What do you mean Aizawa-sensei?"

"you're holding back your true abilities, I don't know why but I cannot help you if I don't know what you can truly do." he says.

He crosses his arms and stares at me. Looking at his expression made my heart hurt.

I would never forget Aizawa's signature 'I'm disappointed in you' look. I was always on the receiving end of it in the Original. I quickly look at the floor, I didn't want to cry. I needed to be strong to complete this mission, the world is counting on it.

Everyone I love is counting on it even if they don't know about it.

"Go again and this time I expect to see the limits of your abilities." he says moving back a little.

I sigh and pick up my bo. I do as he says hoping it's not enough for him to connect any dots.

The next day Aizawa made me and Shinso spar. He had told me on our way to the training area to hold back so Shinso could learn but he still expected me to work hard. I did as he said and I was working hard, holding back is harder than going all out and I'm sure he knew this. After knocking Shinso onto his ass for the tenth time this day Shinso stays down. He crosses his legs and just starts grumbling to himself.

"What's wrong?" Aizawa asks.

"I'm not getting any better." Shinso says.

"That's not true, you're improving a lot!" I say happily because he was. It had only been a few hours since we started and he was improving well.

"you've only just started combat training where's Midoriya has been in the hero class and probably trained outside of school to get into the hero course, you have a lot to catch up on, if you just quit you wont get anywhere." Aizawa says. He pulls Shinso to his feet and pats his shoulder before telling us to continue.

At one point Aizawa left to do something leaving me and Shinso to train on our own.

"What's your quirk?" Shinso asks.

"Will you tell me yours?" I ask. Shinso looks away and I smile. "then I won't tell you mine."

Shinso clicks his tongue and went back to stretching. We had a little rest and were now getting back to training but we needed to stretch once again to make sure we don't pull any muscles or hurt our body.

"Everyone says my quirk is villainous." Shinso suddenly says.

"Really, there are no villainous quirks, it's just how you use it."

"What do you mean?"

"do you use your quirk for a villainous reason?" I ask. Shinso shakes his head.

"then it's not a villainous quirk, you want to be a hero, you're going to be using it to do heroic things so it's a heroic quirk, it's how you use it not what it does that makes it villainous or heroic." I despised people that think there are heroic or villainous quirks.

I understood that those with weak, villainous or mutation quirks are looked down upon, not as much as quirkless people but they are still not treated well.

"I'll tell you my quirk if you tell me yours." Shinso says. he sounded determined.

"Alright, shoot."

"Mine's called brainwashing, I can give simple commands to people that answer my questions but it's broken if they feel pain or are bumped." Shinso explains.

"that's so cool!" I exclaim, jumping a little.

"thanks..." Shinso whispers. "what about you?"

"can you keep it a secret?" I ask. Shinso nods. "I won't tell about your quirk either, it sounds like it'd be more effective if people don't know about it."

"yeah, thanks."

I take a deep breath, I always got bad reactions when I revealed this but I'm going to try and trust Shinso. I notice him waiting patiently, rolling his wrists to stretch them.

"Sorry, I always get bad reactions and I have a hard time trusting others."

"All good, I'm the same." he comments.

"Right, well, here goes," I turn to face him completely and he locks with my eyes to show I have his complete attention. "I'm quirkless."

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