Chapter 20

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Having Aizawa find out about my future memories threw me through a loop. No one was meant to know but now mum and Aizawa knows. I decide to go out as Vivid earlier than normal to get over the stress I was feeling about the whole situation.

I was sure Aizawa heard my mumbling. When I saw him I thought I was looking at a ghost and pleaded with Zashi to forgive me for letting him die. The plan was for both of us to return to the past and yet, here I am, by myself trying to figure all this shit out.

I start my patrol and then the next thing I know I am looking up at Aizawa surrounded by a group of knocked out men. I had tied them up and sat down to get my head back in the game.

One of the bastards I fought had a strange quirk and now I felt groggy and weak. A young lady was shivering in the corner. I stumble over to her while Aizawa looked over the scene.

"Are you okay?" I ask. She nods and I smile but she couldn't see it. "that's good, the police are on their way."

"thank...thankyou." she says. "are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I say. Her eyes showed she didn't believe me. "one of the men had a quirk that drugs people, he managed to get me but I'll be fine, it'll wear off."

"you were drugged?" Aizawa asks. When I turn around the world around me spins and I stumble. I didn't get to fall over because both Aizawa and the young lady grabbed onto me.

"ah, thanks." I mumble. I sat back down and I groan holding my head in my hands. The world spinning was making me feel nauseous. I could hear Aizawa speaking to the girl and soon sirens could be heard as well. I manage to get on the roof despite the dizziness and Aizawa followed shortly after.

When I make it to the roof I lay down. My body wasn't listening to me and I felt like I was on fire.

"you don't look so good." Aizawa says.

"It'll wear off." I slur. I watch Aizawa go through an internal debate but whatever he was trying to decide he ends up going against it and simply sits next to me. He grabs my hand and sighs.

"you're quite warm." he says.

"I'll be fine, stop bugging me." I grumble. I felt like I was drunk. I couldn't remember a time I felt like this but that was probably the best, I probably drank so much I don't remember anything.

Vivid ends up going silent and still next to me and I guessed he fell asleep. I couldn't tell though because of his mask. I contemplated taking it off and seeing who he is.

I shake the thought away, he was trusting me and it was better to leave it, I might find out faster if I keep his trust. He eventually starts to squirm a little and he pulls himself into a small ball. He looked more and more like a child and I wanted so much to help him but there was nothing I could do if I didn't know who he is or what he is going through. Soon his squirming stopped and he went completely still.

I had to keep checking on him, I could see or hear his breathing if I just looked normally and a few times my stomached dropped in fear until I see the slight movement of his chest indicating he was still breathing.

I still had to do my patrol but I wasn't going to leave him here on the roof by himself drugged by a villain. Who knows what could happen. Eventually he shoots up gasping. He quickly looks around and stills when he sees me. His hands shoot to his face and I watch his shoulders relax when he feels his mask.

"I wasn't going to take advantage of your delirious state to find out who you are." I say annoyed.

"sorry Eraser, I do trust you but I didn't know what came first." he says.

"What do you mean?"

"would you prioritise my trust with you or your job as a hero." he says pulling his knees to his chest. He fiddles with his sleeve and pulls it up a little revealing the thin scars on his wrist. He traces them mindlessly.

"I thought about it," I start, watching his rection. He stills for a second before going back to tracing his wrists "but I believed I'd find out in better circumstance if I left it be for now."

"what if you just lost your only chance?" he asks.

"then, I made the wrong decision."

He chuckles at my words and looks up to the sky. he reaches up to his mask and I hear a click. the bottom half of his mask. the chin up to the lips came off and he sighs. I notice a filter looking thing on the piece of mask he was now holding.

"is that a voice changer?" I ask. Vivid nods and I groan. We don't even know his real voice.

I had a suspicion that he had a voice changer since I had now determined he was younger than what we originally believed but it still sucked to be right. It meant there was one less thing we knew for sure about the boy. Vivid looks over to me and smiles, well, more like smirks before reattaching the bottom half of his mask.

"what's wrong Eraser, worried that everything else you know about me is fake?" he asks. I could hear the tease in his voice and it makes me want to take back my decision of not looking under his mask.

"I may have been worried when I woke up earlier but it wouldn't be easy to take my mask off, it has a special lock on it." Vivid explains standing up. He was speaking normally now and was no longer swaying on the spot. I knew that meant to drug quirk has finally stopped taking affect of him.

"Vivid, "


"why do you want to kill Shigaraki?"

Vivid looks at me and I could tell he was staring at me, contemplating weather or not he should answer me.

"to save the world." he says. I was left with even more questions "well, I better be off, see ya later Eraser!"

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