Chapter 42

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My students were shocked to find out that in the future Midoriya wasn't trained at UA.

"Quirkless Bastard, are you saying you're better than me?!" other Bakugo hisses. He keeps it as quite as possible because of where they are. Midoriya just shrugs and this makes him angrier. Suddenly there is yelling and Bakugo's expression morphs from anger to shocked to determination. He shoves Midoriya away and a Nomu that we couldn't see stabs him.

Bakugo throws up blood with the monsters hand still coming through his body.


Midoriya was quite shocked, startled to see Bakugo now mortally wounded when they were just toying with each other seconds before.

"Fucking more aware of your surroundings." he scolds. The Nomu pulls its hand out and then grabs Bakugo and throws him away from the group. Bakugo's group members help Midoriya's to kill the Nomu, by the end of the battle only Midoriya's group was alive.

Midoriya collapses next to Bakugo's body and starts to sob. I felt a small twang of pain in my chest and understood that Midoriya was feeling so much more compared to what we are shown by this Quirk.

"Izuku, we need to go," my other self says grabbing Midoriya's shoulder and squeezing it.

"I know...Sho, it's all my fault."

"it's not, he was a hero from beginning to end, that was his dream right?"


"Let's go,"

they soon make it to a bunker where they meet up with Hitoshi who had gone on ahead to get a few things set up. Hitoshi immediately knows something was up when they walked into the bunker.

"Izu, what's wrong?" he asks the moment he read Midoriya's expression. Midoriya says nothing and just silently asks for a hug. One which Hitoshi gives without question.

"We ran into a few Nomu, Bakugo was killed." My other self says. He leaves the explanation short but it seems that is all Hitoshi needed to understand what had happened.

Time passes quickly.

We see Midoriya injured his leg, he and Hitoshi had been gathering food and they had been spotted by a Nomu. When escaping the Nomu they jumped of a building and Midoriya landed on some exposed rebar, skewering his leg.

He had immediately bit down on one of his knives handle to prevent himself from screaming both when it went in and when he pulled his leg off it. Hitoshi quickly wrapped it in bandages after stuffing the hole with gauze. He picked Midoriya up and they managed to get back to their bunker without being followed.

They quickly left for another bunker after that however and Midoriya had to be carried the whole way. Hitoshi, my other self and Hizashi took turns to carry him.

after because of a fight Hitoshi leaves the group and Midoriya's leg heals. It seems that he cannot carry heavy things and so, during an outing with Hizashi where they get spotted by a Nomu he couldn't carry Hizashi who was injured by the Nomu.

He was forced to leave him.

"go Izu, you cannot carry me with your leg now, not until it heals more."

"I'm not leaving you."

"there's two of them now, I know you can handle yourself but not two Nomu with a weak leg."


"no, go, tell Sho I'm sorry and that I love him, okay?"

"...okay, I'll, I'll come back and find you, I'll bury you."

"no point, we both know I wont be in one piece when you get back, just escape with Sho."

Midoriya has to leave Hizashi there.

His despair was strong, even with the limiter from the quirk preventing us to feel his full pain. This despair skyrocketed when he had to tell my other self what had happened. we could see their reluctance to go on but they do and soon they find themselves searching through a building that has a lot of old equipment.

Midoriya heads into a room with a weird portal looking thing against the farthest wall. He has a closer look and finds some notes on it. It seemed he understood the diagram and maths written on the sheet. he finds my other self and they decide to try and finish the portal.

Time speeds past and soon the portal was looking complete.

"how old are you now Izu?"


"how do you keep track?"

"I don't, it's a general guess"

"you know, once we turn on that generator we will only have a short amount of time to go through, we will have to set the explosives to go off right after, we have to time it right so we don't get blown up when going through it."

"I know, I'm just happy you agreed to coming through it with me without knowing if it'll work, if it does it'll be much easier for the both of us to get to Shitaraki."

My other self snorts at the nickname and started to surround the portal with homemade explosives.

"finished, when we're ready we can turn it on and get going." Midoriya announces.

Suddenly multiple screeching can be heard and close by. At this Midoriya and my other self get to work setting things up. They turn the machine on and my other self grabs the detonator for the bombs but right as the portal fires up Nomu smash through the door. Midoriya is pushed towards the portal. He turns around right as my other self is slashed at. He falls over and then looks up at Midoriya.

"I love you, problem child"


Midoriya hears the distant sounds of an explosion as the world around him turns black.

The next memory we see is Midoriya waking up on the ground with All Might quickly tapping his cheek.

"Are you okay young man?" All Might asks.


"Ah, good, you're okay"

Midoriya get up and seems to glare at his uniform.

It looks to be his middle school uniform.

"thanks for helping" Midoriya gathers his things pausing to look a the signature All Might left in his notebook. After All Might leaves Midoriya goes home and immediately starts doing research.

This was the moment he came back to the past, the moment his plan to kill Shigaraki started.

The day he became the best hero anyone could have possibly wanted.

Someone willing to kill for the world and willingly accept the consequences of murder no matter how he helped save everyone is a true hero and exactly what Midoriya has done.

It is what would have happened if no one had found out about his memories from the future.

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