Chapter 37

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I told Nezu everything and he sets to work to find a way to get Midoriya out and to help him heal. He is a healthy kid and for him to become like that in only two weeks, well, you could only imagine what was happening and it wasn't humane.

It only takes Nezu and the police two days before they are forcing the commission to hand Midoriya over, moving him to the nurse office in UA. Recovery Girl and specialty doctors that were called in looked over him and assessed his condition.

The next day, allowing him time to realise he had been removed from the commission they allowed Inko to visit her son.

"Izu?" she says standing at the doorway in shock. I see Midoriya shift his head and Inko sees this as well, immediately rushing over to his bedside, starting to cry.

Midoriya barely reacted to his mother, his eyes seemed a little glazed over like he was in a trance. A few tears slip down his face and I sigh.


I look down to see Recovery girl. She was watching the mother and son interact.

"he's not in a good place, he is so disoriented." she comments.

"it's because of his memories, I am sure having memories of the past, present and future mashing together makes it hard."

"yes," she says. "are you sure it was just his memories that came from the future?"

"yes, he says he was thirty-three when he came back, he wouldn't look the way he does if it wasn't just his memories, why do you ask?"

"he has scars, scars that he shouldn't have, that look years old, even with his time as Vivid they don't match, when he is back to normal and his mind is healthy I want to ask him about it."

"that may take a while."

Midoriya had closed his eyes and fallen asleep, much like how he did when I visited him at the commission headquarters. This scares his mother until Recovery Girl assures her he is fine and that he just went to sleep.

Three days later I allowed 1A to visit him in small groups over the next few days.

Surprisingly, Bakugo was in the first group and was going to fight for that place. When he saw him he froze, much like everyone seems to do. It was just strange seeing such a lively young man turn into a ghost of himself in so little time. Bakugo sits right next to his bed and the group looked on in silence. Midoriya was asleep at the moment and I made it clear to let him sleep if he was when they visited.

It wasn't long until his eyes fluttered opened and the moment he sees Bakugo tears spring to his eyes and he starts crying forcing Recovery girl to put an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.

When he calms down I notice him weakly waving his hand. No one else had see the motion and I sigh.

"students, Midoriya cannot talk or move well, if you see him waving his hand he wants you to hold out your palm so he can write out words on it." I explain. Bakugo holds out his hand and Midoriya slowly puts his finger in the middle pausing to gather his strength before moving his finger.

"you're okay?" Bakugo says speaking what Midoriya wrote out loud to better understand what he was saying.

"Course I'm okay Nerd, I wasn't the one in fucking trouble." he growls.

"but the Nomu hit you." Bakugo peaks over to me highly confused and I move over to Midoriya's bed.

"Midoriya, what year is it?"

Midoriya makes a motion like a chuckle but no noise came. he moves his finger in Bakugo's palm.

"really Shota, you're only 43, it's 2043."

The little murmurs that flowed through the room seemed to confuse Midoriya and he blinks at me.

"oi, shitty Nerd, it's only 2030." Bakugo says before I could say anything and Midoriya looks at Bakugo and sighs. He lifts his arm as high as he could and waves at me. I move closer and hold out my hand.

"I've done it again, haven't I shota?"

"yes, you have but don't worry, I have explained everything to them the best I can but you need to get better fast so you can help fill the gaps." I say smiling. Midoriya frowns and nods.

His eyes were heavy and he looked really tried. The realisation that he was remembering the wrong time always hits him hard and even moving his arm and hand the way he does takes up a lot of his limited energy.

"Okay class, let's leave him to rest."


"we just got here."

"we haven't said anything."

"just being here is enough for him at the moment, he's still recovering," I say sternly. They all go quiet and look at their feet. "when he gets better you can visit for longer."

Over the next few weeks I watch as the Doctors and Recovery Girl help Midoriya start to get his mobility back. he was recovering rather fast now that he had been given a feeding tube and was being fed better than just an IV.

He still was unable to eat solids because of how long it's been since he has eaten and Recovery girl said it'd be too much shock to his body.

Soon he was able to shuffle around his bed by himself and walk a few steps while holding onto someone but since he couldn't move on his own he was still unable to get the fluid bag taken out. Something he has been asking to be removed since he realised what it was.

"you cannot go to the toilet by yourself so you still need the bag." Recovery girl had explained to a pouting Midoriya. His mind was getting a little better but now that he was more mobile it became even more obvious that his mind was suffering more than his body was.

"he's recovering fast, physically but I worry for his mental recovery."

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