Chapter 43

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A few days after having to relive all those horrid memories to prove I was telling the truth I am called to Principal Nezu's office.

There I see Aizawa, Tsukauchi, Principal Nezu and someone that seemed to be full of themselves.

"Hello Midoriya, you know Aizawa and Detective Tsukauchi so introductions are not needed for them, this is a representative from the Hero Commission."

I tense at this information and move closer to Aizawa's side of the room and still within reach of the door.

"Do not worry, he is not here to do anything to you except apologise for their conduct and to be a witness to your sentence." Nezu explains.

The man from the Commission bows and apologises but it's not like that is going to make me forget how they almost killed me.

"My sentence?" I ask ignoring him.

"yes, let's all take a seat." Nezu says. We all sit down.

I sit as far from the commission dude as possible.

"it has been decided that you will not be imprisoned for the murder of Shigaraki Tomura but instead will have to do community service for four years, three of which will be completed during your school years so it'll be hard to keep up but we expect you to stay on top of your grades even with this added work, you will graduate school before it is completed and when that happens you will devote all your time to it, once your community service is over you will be able to use your provisional licence and continue to do hero work but for the first year you will be supervised by a hero, Aizawa has volunteered for the position, you will not be able to go out as Vivid or anything else until that time, if you are discovered to still be doing hero work before completing your service you will be imprisoned and this exception will be revoked, do you understand?" Nezu asks.

"Yes," I reply.

It was the best thing I could have asked for.

"I was ready to go to prison for my actions, I know what I have done is wrong and I promised to never kill again, Shigaraki was the last." I say sadly. "Sho made me promise,"

Everyone in the room looks over to Aizawa and he just sighs.

"The Aizawa from the future timeline made him promise, not me." he simply says and they all nod, understanding appearing across their features.

After our little meeting I was walking back to the dorms since classes were now over.

"Midoriya," I turn around at my name to see Shinso.

"Shin..." I start but notice the smirk on his lips "no, Toshi?"

"Almost didn't notice did you Izu?" he asks smiling. I run over to him and give him a big hug.

"But, what happened, how?" I ask smiling.

"I found the portal and gave Sensei a proper burial, I then rebuilt it."

"What about--"

"I planted bombs around it to go off once I was gone, I even blew up the building to bury the portal so no one else can find it and rebuild it."

"But, why did you go through that trouble?" Toshi's smile fades and he grabs my hands.

"I wanted to be with you so badly but with the Nomu we couldn't risk it and then you came here to the past, I knew because of that I would never see you again once you returned back here," he says. He brings my left hand up to his lips and gives it a small kiss. "I wanted to be with you, I love you Izu and at least now we can be together."

Somehow I feel my grin widen. I pull Toshi into another tight hug and he laughs.

"Oh, Toshi, you've already done the joint training and I'm pretty sure Sho is teaching you again and that you'll be admitted into the hero course next term."

"Great, just like last time." he says. Toshi cups my cheeks and gives me a gentle kiss.

I smile into it and giggle after.

"so, what's going on?" he asks.

"I have to do community service for four years instead of going to prison." I say. "I cannot go out as vivid either until I'm finished the community service, Toshi, I'm going to be so bored."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, we can always spar together when you get to bored, you need to at least keep up to standard before you can head back out as vivid." Toshi says.

"Right and, once I can go back out I can do it legally, I will no longer be a vigilante but a proper hero!"

"that's all you wanted right?" Toshi asks.

"All I wanted was to help people, I was perfectly happy doing so even if it was illegal." I say. I tug on Toshi's hand "Let's go, I want to play some games with you!"

"okay, okay, you don't have to pull." Toshi says laughing.

"I heard you were great at games when you were younger," I say.

"I was but I might be a bit rusty after all those years at the end of the world." he says.

"Then let's test your memory"

Five years later...

"it has been revealed that Vivid, the vigilante that killed the LOV leader and presumably saved the world from destruction is now able to re-join the world of heroics as a legal hero starting this year, so far no one has seen the hero so it is believed he has returned to his previous underground stealthy ways, there is still a lot of debate about whether the young vigilante should be allowed to be a hero at all and even be out on the streets after killing someone even if they are a child, debates have been happening all over media---"

"how did they find that out..." I grumble, drowning out the radio to listen to the city sounds.

"The press can find anything out, there is no escaping it Vivid."

"Really Sho, this is the worst part of the deal, why do I need to be supervised, I've been Vivid longer than you've been alive."

Aizawa smacks the back of my head and I almost fall forward of the ledge we were perching on.


"Don't call me Sho, right now it's Eraserhead and when I'm not on duty it is Aizawa or sensei, Sho is the man you know from the future, I am not that same man." he grumbles.

"you're right, Sho would never smack me off a building." I say smirking under my mask. "but, even though you're different, I still see you as a father figure, the both of you."

Aizawa goes quiet and then grunts, before I could reply I hear a scream.

"Let's go then!"

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