Chapter 26

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After watching Kacchan get kidnapped I start making a plan. After seeing him get taken away I remember where they would take him. Shota remembered almost everything that happened to his precious students, including where and when something had happened. I was going to go as Vivid because I cannot do much as Izuku, especially if I wanted to try and kill Shitaraki during this time.

"don't worry Deku, I'm sure the teachers will find Bakugo-kun." Uraraka says trying to cheer me up. I fake a small smile.


The moment we got to UA I tried to race home but am stopped by Aizawa.

"Midoriya, I need to speak with you."

I begrudgingly follow him. we make it to a little interview room. I sit down and Aizawa takes a seat infront of me. He crosses his arms and sighs.

"Is there anything else I need to know that you remember from the future?" he asks.

I didn't really feel like telling him about future events but, if it'd help protect my classmates then I would gladly do so.

"a...a few things...maybe." i mumble thinking of which events to tell him about.

"what?" he asks a little impatient.

"we...well, I believe some students from class will plan their own rescue attempt to get Kacchan, i think they actually help because they get him away from the battle allowing All Might to fight AFO." I explain.

"AFO?" Aizawa asks.

"All Might will know who I'm talking about."

After that Aizawa calls in All Might and Principal Nezu after telling me that I would have to tell them about my future memories.

"so, Aizawa says you have memories from the future, is this true?" Nezu asks.

I fiddle with my fingers and sigh nodding. I hated having to tell them this, I wanted to handle everything myself but I knew that wasn't possible.

I'm not good enough to handle everything myself, that's why Shota was meant to come with me...

"Aizawa says you know who has Bakugo and what will happen." All Might says. I look over to his large form and try not to shudder at the overlapping image of a Nomu.

They were, after all created to defeat him so they were eerily similar.

Despite my desire to hide it they still notice.

"Is there something wrong with All Might?" Aizawa asks coming a little closer. I could tell he was already protective of his students, even if he doesn't show it and I smile.

"All Might," I say facing him, dismissing the image that overlapped him and he watched me cautiously. "you don't have to strain yourself, I would feel better if you were in your other form as well."

Shocked, All Might deflates. His mouth gaped open.

"And yes, I do have memories from the future, Kacchan got kidnapped by the LOV, they also broke into UA and stole documents that told them All Might was meant to be at USJ."

Nezu nods and then looks over to All Might.

"Aizawa said he mentioned someone you should recognise." He tells the skinny man and All Might looks over to me a little confused.



All Might's eyes widen at the name.

"He's still alive?!"

"Alive and kicking and the man behind Shigaraki." I say "in the future he is taken to prison and tries to use his quirk to take over Shigaraki's body but vastly underestimates the boy he calls his student, Shigaraki ends up gaining AFO and caused the apocalypse."

"An apocalypse?"

"yes, you know that Nomu that appeared at the USJ?"

"yes but you weren't there when it happened so how do you know about it?" Aizawa asks.

"you told me." I say before quickly freezing, looking away from him "well, future Aizawa told me."

"so, you decided to send your future memories back so you can try to stop the apocalypse?" Nezu asks. I nod and his expression grows grim.

"I don't believe Aizawa, even in the future would put his student in danger like this."

"I was never his student and it didn't exactly go to plan." I growl.

Both Aizawa and All Might blink at my reaction, I was always quiet and timid and never spoke back.

"What was the plan?" Nezu asks not missing a beat regarding my reaction.

"Shota and I were to come back together, it would be easier as well with the two of us, we were also meant to come back closer to the entrance exam but I had to wait for a while since coming back."

"what else can you tell us about what's going to happen, since you were meant to have help we can help with your plan." Aizawa says.

"Kacchan get's rescued without any issues however," I glance at All Might and see that he's waiting for me to keep going. "All Might basically has to retire after the fight, so I hope you have your successor picked and training, it was Togata Mirio wasn't it, I think his hero name was Lemillion."

All Might sheepishly nods, probably still unsure how he feels about me knowing his secret.

"Don't worry All Might, Mirio does an amazing job, until Shigaraki kills him."

"what, Shigaraki kills young Mirio?!" All Might asks.

"Shigaraki kills a lot of people, heroes survive the longest because of their knowledge on fighting and their familiarity with their quirks, my mother was killed in the first half of the apocalypse Mirio is killed soon after the first half of the initial battle against Shigaraki."

"did the heroes underestimate him?" Nezu asks.

"Not really, they just didn't expect him to have AFO as well, I believe AFO, the person wanted to take over Shigaraki's body since he was only alive thanks to life support machines and trapped in prison but Shigaraki's will was stronger than he believed he'd be and he took over from AFO."

"how did you survive for so long if you weren't in training to be a hero before now?" Aizawa asks.

"Just lucky I guess."

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