Chapter 36

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"Aizawa," I look up to see Nezu at the door. After getting checked over me and the rest of my students returned to UA and I explained as best I could what I knew about Midoriya.

They knew I didn't know he was Vivid, if I did, I would have stopped him long before now.

It had been two weeks since then and I have not heard anything regarding my student.

Till now.

"it seems they are giving you permission to see Midoriya at the commission headquarters." Nezu tells me.

"I understand, can I go to see him immediately?" I ask peaking back into my classroom to see my students glancing over to us and then back to their work.

"you can, I have already arranged for a teacher to take over for you, do report to me when you return, I want to know what is happening to my student as much as you do." Nezu says joining his paws together. "he had ample reason for what he has done and we will be able to find out faster with his cooperation and he did not look willing to give that to the commission."

"yeah, thankyou Nezu, I'll be off."

It takes me two hours to reach the commission headquarters and once I tell them who I am and why I am there I am lead to the lower floors and to a quirk nullifying room.

Not that it'd help, Midoriya is quirkless.

However the sight I see before me is a shocking one.

There were a few machines next to Midoriya's bed and the closer I got the more I noticed.

Midoriya was skinny, deathly skinny and very pale.

Something wasn't right, Midoriya looked like he was dying.

"Midoriya." I whisper.

His once cubby cheeks were hollow, showing his cheek bones and his eyes look sunken and ready to fall back into his skull.

His eyes slowly flutter open and he shifts his head and looks over to me. A tiny smile forms on his chapped lips and my heart shatters.

His eyes looked dead, like the life has been sucked out of him and the only reason he was still alive was because of the machines.

"oh, who is this?" I swing around at the sudden voice. I was too focused on Midoriya's state that I wasn't taking in my surroundings.

"My name is Aizawa Shota, I'm his homeroom teacher."

"Ah, Eraserhead, nice to meet you." the man says picking up a clip board, he must have been told I was a pro since he knew I am Eraserhead from my real name. "I'm Dr Jason."

"Dr Jason?" It wasn't a Japanese name and he notices my confusion and chuckles.

"Midoriya had the same reaction, I'm originally from America, I came to study and stayed to be a doctor."

"what's wrong with him, it's only been two weeks and he looks like he's at deaths door."

"that's because he is," Dr Jason quickly looks around and scoots closer to me "as a doctor, I am doing my best to keep him alive but whatever the commission has done to him has broken him, are you here to get him out?"

I shake my head

"Unfortunately I'm not."

"Shame, I don't think he'll last much longer." Dr Jason says his expression sinking. I look back over to Midoriya who had been watching us silently with his tired eyes.

He hadn't tried to say anything, surprisingly and as fast as he came Dr Jason excuses himself allowing us time to ourselves. I pull a chair over to sit by his bed and sigh.

"I thought you would have had a remark to make and yet you're silent."

I notice shifting from the corner of my eyes and I look to see Midoriya moving his fingers and a little further back his feet were wiggling.

I frown at this and look back to his eyes, dread filling my stomach.

"can you move?" I ask. I get no response. I quickly grab his hand.

"can you move?" I ask once again and he weakly shakes my hand from side to side. "Can you speak?" another shake.

The door behind me opens and I turn around to see a young lady. A nurse.

"oh, you've finally got a guest, good for you." she says smiling. "he can't speak or move sir and he has days where he is confused and has trouble telling where he is."

"I see, thankyou."

She checks a few things before leaving and I sigh. He's worse off than he looks and he looked terrible.

I feel a tug on my hand and I watch as Midoriya motions for me to open my hand. I do as he wants and he slowly positions his finger in my palm and then pauses.

I'm dying. He writes, shocking me.

"seems so." I breathe.

It's the tests, experiments, I can't eat either, the only thing keeping me alive right now is the IV.

I frown at what he was telling me, tests? Experiments? What could they possibly want or can learn from a quirkless vigilante that murdered someone, other than his memories of the future there was no need to harm him physically or even mentally.

I start to lean back, pulling my arm away but Midoriya sees this and grabs my wrist with shocking strength. I hold out my palm again when he looks down at my hand and he quickly but carefully writes chilling words.

Help me.

I lean in closer so I knew he'd hear me, I squeeze his hand with a small, hopefully encouraging smile.

"I'll get you out of here, I promise."

Midoriya stares at me for a few moments before his eyes rolled back and he passes out.

The door slides open and I turn to see Dr Jason and the nurse from before.

"seems he exhausted himself." the young nurse says happily starting to check a few more things, notably the IV bag which was almost empty and a fluid bag since Midoriya couldn't move.

"thankyou for visiting him, he's such a young boy and yet no one has come to see him."

"his mother hasn't come?" I ask. Dr Jason shakes his head sadly.

"no, only heroes, doctors and nurses in the system are allowed back here."

"I see, I'll be back to visit again."

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