Chapter 22

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At school the next day I spot Kacchan talking to Aizawa. I didn't want to deal with them asking more questions. I head over to my desk and got my books out. I start to do more of my homework, I ended up going out as Vivid earlier than normal because of Aizawa's questions and didn't do my homework beforehand like I normally do.

Soon the rest of the kids arrived and Aizawa comes into start class. When class was over I watch as Aizawa waited near the door. He allowed everyone else to go normally but I knew he was going to stop me. I pick up my bag and started to make my way to the door.

"Midoriya," I sigh, turning to Aizawa.

"Yes Sensei?" I ask smiling.

"I want to speak to you." he says.

"You are."

He seemed taken aback by my response.

"Sensei, I know Kacchan spoke to you about something this morning, I don't want to talk about it." I say before he has a chance to say anything else.

"I just want to see the extent, I want to make sure you're okay and if you need to see someone." he says.

"I'm fine, I got treatment, only the scars remain." I say. I quickly bow to Aizawa and run out the door. I hear Aizawa follow me for a few steps but he eventually stops.

Aizawa had announced that our camp was still going on but it was in a hidden area that only a few people know about.

I knew something bad happened, Aizawa said so in the Original, something to do with the LOV.

I knew a few underground heroes other than Aizawa were out to get Vivid and they might get a bit confused when he doesn't show up for a few nights but, I had a life outside of it.

That afternoon I was getting my things ready for the camp.

"Izu." I turn to see mum at my door. She had a worried expression.

"What's wrong?" I ask. She looks over to the open notebook on my desk. "oh...right."

"the next date for something to happen is soon, you'll be at camp on that day." she says.

"yes, I know, this time I'll be helping as Izuku and not Vivid, there's nothing to worry about." I say zipping my bag up. "I'll try to stop everything before something bad happens, hopefully."

"I hope nothing bad happens." mum says.

"So do I but, I know I won't be so lucky." I say smiling. I put my bag next to the door ready to go for tomorrow. Mum gives me a hug and I hug her back. "I'll be fine."

"I know but I won't stop worrying." she says.

"I know."

That night I ran into Aizawa as Vivid.

"Hey Eraser." I say happily. "Just want to let you know I'll be away for a while."

"Why is that?" Aizawa asks.

"Now why would I tell you that?" I ask chuckling.

"Well, it won't matter to me, I'm going to be away as well." he says.

"Well, then there's nothing to worry about, I won't get caught by another hero while you're gone because I'll be gone as well." I say happily. We stand in silence for a few moments before Aizawa sighs.

"Something on your mind Raser?" I asks.

"Don't call me that," he says groaning. "'s just one of my students, nothing for you to get concerned about."

"Alright then." I say "want to patrol together tonight?"


"Great!" I exclaim "Let's go!"

We spend the rest of the night patrolling together and when my alarm goes off to signal it's time to go home I groan.

"What, don't want to go home?" Aizawa asks, smirking.

"I was just having so much fun with you." I say joyfully. Aizawa scowls and I laugh. "I'll see ya."

"whatever." he says.

I make my way home making sure to take different routes to make sure no one could follow me. Once inside I have a quick shower so I didn't have to worry about it in the morning. I grab a snack and head back to my room. I do the rest of my homework.

I notice my notebook on the corner of my desk. I pick it up and lean back in my chair. I open it up and look at the dates and vague notes of what I could remember Aizawa saying would happen.

The day after tomorrow was written on the page.

"Attack on camp." I sigh closing the book. I put it back on my desk and jump up from my chair. I turn off my lamp and hopped into bed.

I woke up to my alarm the next morning not very well rested. I sit up and stretch feel my body creak from lack of movement.

I found I was a very still sleeper, I never was before, not until the Apocalypse. I climb out of bed and get changed.

I head downstairs and was grateful that mum was up and had just finished making breakfast. She puts a plate down and smiles.

"Thanks." I eat the breakfast mum made and once I was finished I brushed my teeth and tried to tame my bedhead before grabbing my things from my bedroom. I drag my suitcase to the door and slipped my shoes on.

"Please be safe." I look up at mum and watched as she fiddled with her fingers.

"I will." I say smiling. I stand up and give her a quick hug. I check the time and grab my suitcase. "I need to get going."

"Alright, be good, be safe." She says waving.

"I will." I open the door and head out making my way to UA.


"I'm here." I call out. I listen to Aizawa call out more names to make sure every had arrived.

"Okay, everyone's here, after packing your bags into the bus take your seats."

Soon we were on the road and soon, something was going to happen and I was determined to try and stop it.

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