Chapter 19

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After the exams I notice something is wrong with Midoriya. He was acting distant and distracted. My concern for the boy only rose when he didn't show up for class.

It was at that point I decided to pay his family a home visit.

That's how I ended up in front of the Midoriya's apartment. I knock on the door and a plump green haired lady opens the door. There was no mistake that this was Midoriya's mother, they looked so alike.

"hello, my name is Shota Aizawa, I am Midoriya's homeroom teacher, I came to see how he is, he's been distant and distracted in class lately and he didn't show up yesterday."

"Oh, please come inside, Izu is in the shower at the moment and there is nothing you need to worry about, he gets like this sometimes." she says.

"so you know what's wrong?" I ask entering the house. I take my shoes off and followed Mrs Midoriya to the loungeroom. She gets some tea ready for us.

"Yes, it started just before he finished middle school, it happens when he is trying to sort his memories." she says setting a cup in front of me and taking her seat in front of me.

"Sort his memories?" I ask bowing my thanks.

"yes, he has memories of the future." she says.

"is that a part of his quirk?"

"oh no, someone from the future sent his future memories back to the past, sometimes he has trouble knowing which are the current memories and which are from the future." she says with a small laugh. "I was quite shocked myself when it first happened, he just suddenly started to cry saying he missed me even though I saw him two minutes earlier."

"I see, why were his future memories sent back to now?" I ask.

"To stop something bad from happening."

"something bad?"

"an apocalypse."

I sit back thinking. If that was the case then what was he doing to prevent that.

"are you the only one who knows about this?" I ask.

"I believe so, why?" she asks.

"Why has he not told anyone else, a hero, me?" I ask.

"He will tell you, he said he needed to wait until you trusted him." she says.

"I'm his teacher, why would I not trust him?"

"he says he's waiting for something, I don't know what this is though." she says. She stands up and heads to a door. She knocks on it and tells Midoriya that he should get out of the shower.

"He's been in there for a while now, it probably helps him sort his thoughts but it's not good on our water bill." she says chuckling. After a few moments the door opens and Midoriya walks out. He still looked quite dazed but he was dressed and his hair was dried. He looks over to us and his eyes land on me.

Immediately after tears stream down his cheeks.

"Sho..." he looks away and wipes his tears mumbling "that's not right, shota is dead, he died, oh what am I going to say to them when I see them again, Zashi will be so mad."

He clasps his hands together, praying.

"please don't haunt me Zashi, he was meant to come with me."

"Midoriya," he looks over to me and gives me a small, sad smile.

"Oh, right...not dead" he says. His eyes slowly returned to normal and he looks around. "...sensei?"

Mrs Midoriya grabs her sons hand and pulls him over to the couch.

"why are you here sensei, did something happen?" he asks, back to normal.

"you missed class yesterday." I say. His face pales and he jumps up, running over to the calendar.

"ah, dammit, I need to remember, school is still on, the worlds not in ruin, I still need to go to school." he grumbles, looking at the date. He bows to me and apologises.

"I am so sorry sensei, I have trouble keeping up with the days." he says.

"It's alright, as long as you are okay, when you come to class tomorrow I am sure your classmates will have questions about why you were away." I explain.

"yes I know, did I miss anything important?" he asks.

"no, just normal classes."

"oh thank god." he sighs sinking into the lounge. we speak a bit more and I think back to how scared he was when facing All Might during his test with Bakugo. I understood He and Bakugo had a strained relationship but I had no idea why they were on such bad terms.

"Midoriya, what is your quirk?" I ask, startling the two infront of me. Mrs Midoriya looks away, I see a slight hint of shame? sadness?

"oh, I thought you knew, you can see my school files." Midoriya says.

"I try not to look at them too much." I say.

"Well, there's not much to find out anyway, I'm quirkless."

I blink at my student infront of me before quickly schooling my expression.

"you're quirkless?"

"yup, I was quite shocked I got into the hero course, I was sure the moment you all saw 'quirkless' on my file I'd be refused." he says smiling.

"you have potential, just because you don't have a quirk doesn't mean you cannot be a hero, it'd just be a bit harder." I say. Midoriya grins at my words.

"Thankyou Sensei, All might didn't think so." he says before quickly covering his mouth.

"What do you mean?"

"um, when I was still in middle school I met All Might, he was my idol and so I asked If a quirkless can be a hero, he said it was too dangerous and that I should give up and be a police officer or lawyer if i wanted to help people badly."

I notice Midoriya pulling on his sleeves and I understood what that meant right away.

"he left me on the roof after that." Midoriya mumbles. I try to stay calm as anger flaired in my chest.

"well, thank you for having me, I am glad you're alright and I expect to see you at school tomorrow." I say standing up.

"thank you for your concern Aizawa-sensei." Midoriya says standing up as well. They both lead me to the door "AH, All Might told me that before but not now."

I turn back a little confused and Midoriya smiles.

"my memories are a little muddled, All Might now didn't say that to me, the All Might in my other memories did so he hasn't done anything wrong."

I understand what he was trying to say now and my anger towards the man dissipates. After saying goodbye I head back to UA.

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