Chapter 10

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The next day Aizawa mentions that the class will be going to a different facility tomorrow for training and I knew the day had come. My Aizawa told me that the first proper appearance of Shitaraki was the USJ training day and that All Might used up too much of his time and wasn't there to help until the end. Aizawa got injured during that attack making it harder to use his quirk.

I don't want to let that happen but I cannot fight them freely as Izuku Midoriya. I needed to think of a way to get out of training so I could go as Vivid.

"I'm home." I call out letting the front door close behind me. I kick off my shoes and head up to my room. I change out of my uniform and pull my homework from my bag. I get ready to sit down to do it when I hear mum call out for me to come to the living room.

"What's wrong?" I ask noticing her strange expression. It was sad, confused and concerned all rolled into one. She puts a notebook onto the table and waited for me. I recognise it right away.

"can you explain this?"

"it's an analysis book." I say hoping she hadn't look in it. She sighs and opens it up to the last page I wrote on.

"why are there dates written here that haven't happened yet?" I grab the hem of my shirt and play with it, looking away. "Izu, you've been different as well, you have been a lot more confident than before, I thought it was because you passed and got into the hero course but you suddenly became confident before the test, what happened?"

"you wouldn't believe me." I mumble.

"you're not sick are you?" Worry seeps into her voice.

"I'm not but you might think I am if I told you."

"Izu, this is a world of quirks and strange powers, I am sure it is within the realm of being believable and I know you don't lie." Mum says smiling at me gently. I pull out the chair infront of her and sit down. I sigh and then look up at her. I pull my book over to my side and look at what I have written.

It was a list of what I had to do and when some things happened. The first that had an actual date was the USJ attack.

"It's because I got..." I start looking up to mum. She was waiting patiently for me to explain, I was scared of her reaction but she wasn't going to let me go until she got an answer. I remembered mum being like that and it makes me smile. "I got memories from the future."

Mum looks at me shocked.

"in the future I don't get into UA, I fail every hero course test and ended up at a support tech high school, I went to collage for computer science, mechanics, science and biological engineering, I also ended up doing a small medical course."

"sounds nice," mum says "but why do you have those memories?"

"because something bad happened and it was the only way."

"what happened?"

"the apocalypse."

Mum goes quiet. I close the book and sigh.

"the closest date in that book is tomorrow." mum suddenly says.

"yeah...something bad happens, I have to stop it." I say.

"Why you Izu?" she asks. I notice her eyes getting glassy and knew she was close to crying.

"mum, I'm the only one who knows how to stop what's coming, I am very happy you believe me or are trying to believe me but not everyone will without getting sent for help, something happens at USJ, sensei gets hurt and the guy that does it is the one I need to stop but I can't do anything as I am now..." I say sighing. "I need to get out of the trip tomorrow so I can help."

"Izu, I'll call your teacher and say you cannot go tomorrow because of an emergency, will that help you?" mum asks. I look over to her shocked

"did I say that out loud?" she nods with a small giggle and my face heats up.

"but how does that help if you're going to be away from what's happening."

"because I will still be there but not as Izuku Midoriya."

"then who?" she asks.


"that new vigilante?"

"yup, I was a vigilante in the future, Vivid, I started training when I got the memories because I needed to be ready for the UA exam and for my mission." I say standing up. I go around to mum and kneel next to her. "I love you mum, so much."

"I love you to Izu, I know you have always wanted to be a hero but please, promise me you'll be careful." she says a few tears escaping.

"I will, I promise."

I look at my students as they chat away at their desks.

"get your bags and go to the bus outside." I announce.

"what about Deku?" Uraraka asks, looking at his desk worried.

"he's been called out for the day, his mum called yesterday, now get going." they all file out and head to the bus. Eventually we were on our way to USJ. I try to nap on the bus but I couldn't so I just listened to my students.

"I hope Deku is okay."

"I'm sure Midoriya will be fine, Uraraka-san!"

They were worried about their classmate but it didn't seem as urgent as Mrs Midoriya made it out to be. She didn't sound very concerned.

Eventually we arrived at USJ and we all got out of the bus and met Thirteen inside.

"Where's All Might?" I ask quietly. Thirteen holds up three fingers and I sigh. He used up all his time, of course.

"Welcome to the Unforeseen Stimulation Joint..." Thirteen starts to talk to the kids and I zone them out. I look around the place, it has been a while since I've been here. I turn back to my students when Kirishima speaks up, immediately after the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

I swing around and spot a purple portal opening in the centre of the main lobby. I get ready to fight, telling my students to get out before jumping down to fight.


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