Chapter 5

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After helping the rest of the officers I notice Vivid returning to a position in the rafters, because of how dark it is we couldn't see him really well when he's up there.

"you hide a lot." Tsuki says.

"course, I'm illegal, why would I not stay out of your sights." he replies happily. There was a sudden shot followed by a shout of pain and a few choice words.

"GUN DOWN!" Tsuki yells

"Prick!" Vivid yells from the darkness "Just saved your asses and you shot me!"

"he did that on his own, are you okay?" Tsuki asks.

"Fucker..." We hear a bit of shuffling and a soft groan. "well, I best be off, I would stay but I need to take care of this before I bleed to death." Before we got a chance to say anything more he had disappeared. I moved over to where he had been perched and notice some blood dripping from the beams above me.

After the raid Tsuki and I tried to compile what we know about Vivid.

"Should've gotten some of his blood."

"He's thorough with a lot of things, I'm sure the slippery bastard would have a measure in place for that as well, since he left so easily even if he had been shot." I sigh dropping down onto Tsuki's lounge.

"you're right."

"he's got to be at least in his early thirties, late twenties."

"why do you think that, he's short and childish." Tsuki says tapping away at his computer.

"he's told me he has no choice but to be a Vigilante not only because his 'plan' is already in action but because he failed all the hero school entrance exams and knows for sure that he won't get recommended by a hero to take the provisional licence exam."

"you could recommend him." Tsuki says. His typing had stopped and I think.

"I could say that I'd recommend him in exchange to knowing his true identity."

"you think that'll work?" he asks, starting to type once again.

"probably not." I sigh.

"When is the Entrance exam?" Tsuki asks.

"couple weeks now, I already feel like expelling my whole class again." Tsuki lets out a soft laugh.

"at least see if they have potential before you do that."

"I know..."

I sit up and stretch.

"Better get going, Zashi won't be happy if I stay out too late tonight." I head to the door.

"night Aizawa."

"see you."

once home I am greeted by a warm house and a few kittens running over to me to rub my leg.

"Shou, is that you?"

"Who else?" I ask pulling my shoes off. "why are you still up, I got home on time but it's still quite late."

Walking into the loungeroom and I greeted by my lovely husband.

Loud, lovely husband, sitting on the couch with the TV quietly playing.

"I wanted to at least say good night to you tonight." he says jumping up from the couch. He hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "night."

"Good night." I chuckle. He heads off to our bedroom before turning back.

"I'll be there soon."

"you seem worried." he says coming back to me. He takes my hands in his and I sigh.

"Vivid got shot today."

"the Vigilante that you've been chasing, is he okay?" he asks leading me to the lounge.

"Don't know, I didn't get to see how bad the wound was, he was in the dark and then left right after."

"well, I'm sure he'll be back to annoying you in no time." Zashi says smiling, gently rubbing the top of my hands.

"yeah, still trying to figure out more about him." I groan.

"you'll get there, he'll slip up eventually, he's still only human." Zashi says.

"Zashi, he got shot today with a drug that damages your quirk factor, it makes you quirkless."


"but, he didn't care."

"come on, let's go to bed, you can think about this more tomorrow when your brain has had some rest." Zashi pulls me to our room and makes me go to bed with him.

The next morning I head to UA to get a few things ready for the entrance exam. After dealing with the hell that is UA I head home to get ready for patrol when my phone suddenly goes off with a message. I pull it out expecting Tsuki to have messaged about Vivid and sure enough there was a blurry picture and a message.

Tsuki -- someone spotted him last night after he ran away from the drug bust, they lost him immediately after though.

Aizawa -- blurry pics aren't going to help us if we cannot track him.

Tsuki -- I know

Aizawa -- he got spotted though, normally he is pretty good at staying hidden, he must've gotten hit pretty good by your officer.

Tsuki -- yeah, you're patrolling tonight right, keep an eye out for him.

Aizawa -- was going to.

Tsuki -- I'll see you tonight then.

I put my phone down and grab my laptop. It takes me a few hours to create my school plan for if I actually keep a class this year.

Soon it was 5:00PM so I got ready for my patrol that started at 5:30. Eventually I was sitting on top of a roof looking around for something to do. Quite nights suck but they are also good since not many people are getting hurt or in trouble. I was eventually going to see Tsuki tonight, it was quiet now but I was going to be taking a few people to the police where I'd get to see Tsuki.

There was something on my mind that I wanted to talk to him about.

Vivid had used my capture weapon, it took me 6 years to learn how to use it and I am the only one that can use it, well, I was. Eventually the quiet night decided to change and I hear screaming a few block away.

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