Chapter 33

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"Hey, leave her alone!" I yell out.

I hated these kinds of situations. people stronger than others taking advantage of their strength. I know what this is like more than others. The young lady that the man was heading towards slowly gets to her feet and runs away.

The man that was preying on her turns to me glaring.

"you bastard." he snarls. I start to back away, getting ready to fight or flee but before I could do much a shot of pain flies up my leg causing me to stumble.

He takes this as a chance and grabs my arms. I immediately feel weaker and the man shoves me against a wall.

"your...your quirk."

"it drains energy, you cannot escape me now, you made me lose my prey and now, you'll replace her." he sneers. He has a creepy sick grin on his face as he holds my hands above my head fiddling with my clothes with his free hand. I am turned around to face the wall and my hands are held behind my back.

I feel my pants fall to my ankles and the mans free hand sliding all over my body under my shirt.

It felt disgusting.

I felt disgusting.

After few moments I felt my strength returning. I quickly get out of the mans hold and punched him.

He falls to the ground, knocked out.

I tie him up and call the police before escaping to the roof. I made sure the bastard didn't wake up and escape until the police showed up. I hear soft steps behind me and I swing around to see Aizawa.

"Took you long enough." I grumble.

"surely you can handle one guy, I've see you take on groups of five by yourself." Aizawa says smirking. He didn't know what had just happened and I know that but I still felt angry and annoyed.

"I going home," I say turning away from him to watch the police cuff the man and drag him into a car.

"but it's nowhere near your finishing time, is everything alright?." Aizawa comments looking at his watch.

"I try to finish at the same time but I'm not on a schedule like heroes, I do this when I want and for how long I want." I grumble. I head to the edge of the roof to leave. "see ya eraser."

I return home and head in to have a shower.

I scrubbed my body until my skin turned red.

the next day I still felt gross but I had to go to school.

When Aizawa arrived for class he was closely followed by R-rated hero, Midnight.

"we will be doing a sex-ed class, Midnight is here to conduct it." Aizawa says. He sounded more tired and done than usual but given the current subject it makes sense.

"Good morning 1A, I have a question for all of you and I want you to answer honestly, if you don't want to answer now come see me after class." Midnight says smiling. "I want you to put your hands up in respond, you don't have to say anything verbally and we wont single you out, okay?"


"good, have any of you had sex?" she asks.

After the class goes in shock from a bout of embarrassment a few people started to raise their hands.

Kacchan, Kirishima, Asui, Yaoyorozu, and Ashido put their hands up.

A few classmates mention how it makes sense since those who put their hands up have been dating each other for a while now.

It seemed Kacchan and Kirishima are dating and the same goes for Ashido, Yaoyorozu and Asui.

I slowly raise my hand and the class's chatter dies down.

"is that everyone, good, now, lets continue." Midnight says "consent and rape."

Midnight turns towards the board and starts chatting about what is consent and what can be done when you get raped or sexually assaulted.

I look out the window. Hearing her talking about rape makes the feeling of that mans hands appear once again.

I know he's not here.

He was caught and taken to jail but I can still feel him and hear him.

I felt disgusting.

I kept my eyes on the class when Midnight started to talk about sex. I was shocked to have seen Midoriya's hand to go up but it just reminded me that he has his memories from the future, He was older in those memories and I obviously didn't know anything about his life or what he did in those memories.

What concerned me was his reaction when Midnight started to talk about consent and rape. He seemed to freeze, tense up before looking out the window.

I wanted to call him to see me after class but the others might think he is in trouble, especially after them revealing they have had sex. I decided to speak to him about it at the end of the day.

Soon that time came and I managed to get to Midoriya before he met up with friends.

"Midoriya, I need to speak to you." I call out. Midoriya turns towards me and then smiles but it was forced, I could tell easier than normal today and that made me even more concerned. "follow me."

I take him into a interview room and he quickly takes a seat. He looked on edge.

"you're not in trouble, I just noticed something I wish to ask you about."

"what is it sensei?" he asks quietly.

"you reacted strangely when midnight started to talk about rape, did you..." watching Midoriya tense up and curl in on himself before I was even finished confirmed my suspicion. "Who?"

"it's okay now sensei, he was caught." Midoriya mumbles.

"who and when?" I ask. Midoriya fiddles with his own fingers and sighs.

"l...last night, I heard he got caught by Vivid trying to force himself on a girl." Midoriya squeaks out.

"Last night, were you going to say anything?!" I ask. Midoriya jumps at my voice and I quickly calm down.

Now was not the time to raise my voice, he needed to know he didn't do anything wrong.

"it's alright, I'll speak to midnight and organise some therapy for you okay?"

Midoriya nods quietly and I sigh.

"Midoriya, you are not alone in this, you may go now, if you want to talk to anyone, I am always here and so is midnight."

Midoriya quickly jumps up and give me a bow.

"Thankyou sensei."

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