Chapter 24

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The next morning I wake up to an alarm.

My fight or flight started to kick in and I shoot up.

"woah, calm down Midobro, just the wake up call." Kirishima says happily.

"...right." I sigh and fix my futon.

After breakfast everyone is put into their positions to start their individual training for their quirks. I stay next to Aizawa because I didn't have anything to do.

"Sensei, what's Deku doing?" Uraraka asks.

"Just focus on your own training." he says. Uraraka climbs into the gravity ball quickly sparing me a glance before closing the lid and starting her training. Aizawa turns to me and starts to walk past me.


we make our way over to a small clearing in the trees and I notice multiple martial arts devices that are used for training.

"I want you to train on these, I will watch." he says.

"What about the others, don't you need to look out for them as well?" I ask.

"Mandalay is watching them, you're my focus for the moment."

"Alright." I sigh. I get ready by stretching and then I start to train with the dummies.

After a few minuets I stop to get a small breather.

"I think I have a good grasp of your abilities now, spar with me." Aizawa says. I turn to him a little shocked.

"you want me to spar with you, you're a pro."

"All the more reason, I can teach you better than you learning by yourself."

"...that's true."

I get into a ready stance and Aizawa just waits. It seemed he wanted me to take the first move.

So I did.

After sparring with Aizawa for about an hour and a half he calls for me to stop.

"Continue training yourself, I need to go check on the rest of the students."

"Okay, thank you sensei." I say. I watch Aizawa leave and sigh. I fall to the ground and lean against a tree.

I watch the leaves shift allowing blades of sun to perce through to the ground.

My nose starts to sting and my eyes start to heat up. A tell tale sign I was going to cry.

"Ah, Shota, this is harder than I thought it'd be." I whisper. I look around and through the small sections of trees between me and the other students.

I could see them working hard to strengthen their quirks.

Smiling, I stand up and continue to practice my martial arts.

Soon the sun was setting and everyone was getting ready to make dinner. I watch Kacchan cut food quickly.

He was so sure of himself even with a knife. I knew that those in his group in the original, when they got their hands on food Kacchan would have made them something yummy.

After dinner it was announced that there would be a test of courage.

"you will go in pairs through the forest path and get scared by class B."

Kacchan gets paired with Todoroki.

I watch Aizawa drag some students away to do supplementary lessons because they failed their tests. I suddenly remember that Aizawa now knows I have knowledge of the future, whether he believe it's from memories or the truth it didn't matter, I could tell him what's to happen and better protect everyone. I watch as the little boy that's been around, Kota head off into the forest. I quickly note the direction and ran to the building to find the room Aizawa was using.

I knock on the door and hear him call out. When I open the door Aizawa did not look very happy, the others looked dead.

"um, Sensei, I need to speak to you about something." I mumble, suddenly feeling guilty.

was it because I'm interrupting the lesson, why did I feel guilty.

"keep looking over the text, I'll be right back." Aizawa orders before leaving the classroom. He gently closes the door and turns to me, crossing his arm. "What is it?"

"um, know how I have memories of the future?" I ask shyly.


"w...well, something is going to happen." I whisper. I had gained a lot of confidence when it comes to fighting but not in other areas, especially communication.

"what?" Aizawa asks.

"the camp gets...attacked, I think a student is kidnapped, no one is killed or badly injured but a few are hurt." I start to speak up but when I remember Aizawa's looking at me I start to shrink in on myself again. It was still strange that he knew I know about the future. Weather it be just my memories or that I am actually from the future.

Aizawa sighs and pinches his nose.

"When exactly does this happen?" he asks.

"um, during the test of courage." I wilt under his gaze. I knew it was a little late to get help in defending the students. I knew something was coming but until recently I didn't know what it was, I had forgotten.

Too much shit had happened.

"What are the others doing now?" he asks.

"getting ready...for the...test..."

"the test of courage?" He asks. I quickly nod.

Aizawa swiftly pulls out a phone and dials a number.

I didn't think we had service out here.

When the person on the other end answers he starts talking quickly and is soon hanging up.

"Do you remember anything else?" he asks.

"Um, just that Momo makes a few trackers and that it help in rescuing the student that is kidnapped."

"right, go try to get the others to stop and come back inside, I'll talk to the pussy cats." Aizawa orders before heading off down the hall.

I run out of the building and find that the test of courage had already started and I remembered seeing Kota leaving the camp area.


Too much was happening at once.

I run over to the pussy cat that was overseeing the teams leaving.

"can you stop everyone, Aizawa said to stop the courage, the students are in danger." I say quickly,

"oh, okay." she says

"Aizawa will be finding your other members to collect everyone, I need to go find kota, he left a little while ago."

"What, okay, you do that, I'll get everyone back here." she says.

"Okay, I'm off."

I run over to the area I saw Kota leaving.

"I hope this works."

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