Chapter 13

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The next day we were all getting ready for the sports festival.

I didn't want to win but I didn't want to get kicked out in the first few rounds. Once the world discovers I'm quirkless they will lose faith in me but if I do well before they do, they will know I can fight without a quirk to aid me.

The first section of the festival ended up being an obstacle course. Todoroki freezes the start locking many people in but not 1A. The other hero course also managed to get through it without much trouble.

The next part was three colossal robots, the zero pointers from the entrance exam. Todoroki makes quick work of them, freezing them in place. I notice the ice chipping, they were off balance.

I stop and wait. A few students ran past me taunting me and laughing since I had stopped but they were quick to retreat back when the robots started to collapse. One they settled I was immediately climbing over them and continuing on. Next was multiple small islands connected by rope. I take a moment to look down, it looked almost like a bottomless pit.

You couldn't see the bottom.

"Hahaha, this is the perfect time to showcase my babies!"

I smile, I'd recognise that voice and naming sense anywhere. Hatsume, heir to Hatsume Industries. The very one that created the blueprint and outline of the machine that allowed me to come back here. I watch as she glides across using one of her inventions.

No wonder she was able to create the time machine. She was such a bright child even at this young age. I quickly make my way across the rope connected islands and came up to the minefield, I could easily see where they were. I run though securing sixth place.

"good enough." I sigh as my name is announced as the sixth person to pass.

"Not many students were able to demonstrate their quirks during this round but hopefully they can show off in the next course!" Hizashi announces. I smile listening to his voice.

I never did get over Hizashi's death, I still had trouble looking at him when he is teaching us.

"the next course is..." I had trouble looking at Midnight as well. She was one of the others along with Hizashi that was in our little survival group in the Original but, none of us lived very long.

At the end, before I was pushed through the time machine it was only me and Aizawa left, the rest had been killed.

There was never even time to mourn them...

"Cavalry battle!" she announces happily. I teamed up with Uraraka, Hatsume and Tokoyami.

We managed to keep our headband and got a few others and managed to come fourth.

Soon we were all gathered to hear the next course, a few students asked to be disqualified and Nem...Midnight allows them to give up their positions, allowing others to get bumped up into the final rounds.

"The next event is 1V1 battles, please look here for your match, the students in the first match go to your respective rooms and wait for the arena to be ready." she announces.

I look up to the board to spot a familiar name, right next to mine.

"Hitoshi Shinso" I smile. I turn around and spot him looking at me. I make my way inside the building to find my room to get ready. Soon, it was time to go out to the arena to fight.


"Hm, Ojiro-kun, how can I help?" I ask.

"Your opponent, he's the reason I dropped out, I think his quirk has something to do with responses, specifically verbal." he says.

"thanks, wish me luck." I say happily. Ojiro nods smiling before leaving. I walk out to the arena.

"for the first 1V1 fight we have, Midoriya Izuku from class 1A and from general studies Hitoshi Shinso!" Hizashi announces excitedly.

we stand se at opposite ends of the arena and Midnight tells us to start.

I watch Shinso smile and then start talking.

"you must be happy," he starts, walking closer. "you're lucky enough to have a strong quirk, so strong you don't need to show it off to get past the rounds."

I frown. What made him think I have such a powerful quirk?

Did he think that just because I'm in the hero course, in 1A?

I knew he needed me to speak, he could taunt me all he wants. There is nothing he could know to say that would affect me enough to make me talk to him. I run over to him and quickly knock him out.

I knew he didn't know how to fight, he's from General Ed and his quirk seems to be a noncombative type.

"The winner is Izuku Midoriya!" Midnight announces.

After the battle I head over to where 1A was seated. I watch as the different fights take place.

I knew who'd win, in general because of their abilities and because of what Aizawa had told me in the Original.

Todoroki was pissing me off though. Not using his fire because it's his 'fathers' quirk, I couldn't wait till I could beat some sense into him.

I was surprised no one has found out that I am quirkless. Aizawa mentioned in the Original that he rarely looked at the quirks of his students on files and only really finds out during the initial test he conducts.

Eventually I got to watch Iida getting used by Hatsume to demonstrate her 'babies'. Looking at the people in the crowds I think she was going to get a lot of people asking for her. She had amazing ideas.

I wish I could thank her, she is the one who made the time machine I used to come back but she obviously wouldn't have any idea what I'd be thanking her for.

Kacchan's battle against Uraraka was amazing but I wanted to smack each and everyone of the heroes that started to boo Kacchan for being so hard on a girl, until Aizawa spoke up about it.

I was so happy when he said that Kacchan wasn't looking down on her and that he acknowledged her since he was being cautious and not jumping right to it like he had been before.

"next contestants please go to your waiting rooms and get sg fixed." Hizashi calls out.

I head to my waiting room, excited for my next match.

"you better be ready Todoroki."

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