Chapter 41

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A few weeks after returning from being sent to the future I am called into an office to see Aizawa, my classmates, Nezu and Tsukauchi.

"I assume, you're all here to view my future memories to see if I am telling the truth?"

"yes," Tsukauchi says waving in a young lady. Who quirk is the one we'll be using today.

"is your quirk not enough?" I ask. Detective Tsukauchi shakes his head and I sigh.

"My name is lucy," the lady introduces herself. "my quirk lets you view someones memories, I touch the subject with my left hand to mark them as the viewed and my right hand to mark the viewers."

From her accent and name I knew she wasn't from Japan but another country, most likely an English speaking country.

Nezu and the others get everything ready and Lucy gently taps my arm with her left hand. A mark appears on my arm. she then goes around to everyone that is going to be watching and touches them with her right hand, leaving a different mark from me on their arms.

"I will not be viewing with you, I understand you want to view his future memories and so I will activate my quirk thinking that and you should be able to watch his memories from the future." she explains. she then activates her quirk and I immediately feel sleepy.

I end up passing out before anyone else, probably since I am the one that is getting viewed.

Midoriya passes out a moment after the young lady activates her quirk.

"Oh and the one being viewed wont be there, they will kinda be reliving the events in a dream like state, you all will be in the world but like ghosts and will not be able to interact with the world around you, you viewers will also feel what he does but only like one fourth." she explains. I notice my students going to sleep around me before becoming tired myself.

I open my eyes to be on a roof.

"Where are we?" I hear Kaminari ask.

"It's Musutafu." Bakugo grunts.

suddenly there is an explosion, from the explosion out jumps a young man being followed by another. I immediately recognise the outfit.

"Vivid." I groan.

"haha, eraser, you haven't caught me ever since I first appeared years ago, don't you think it's time to give up and let me do my job?!"

the voice was young but older than the Midoriya I know now. He quickly jumps of the roof and escapes me.

The scene we were seeing follows Midoriya like a movie following the lead actor as he returned home and went to bed.

We noticed it wasn't the apartment that he lives with his mother. The next day Midoriya gets dressed into a suit and heads out. He buys flowers and soon arrives at a graveyard.

He was older. it was obvious he was no longer in school and his hair was slightly longer.

"Hello mum," Midoriya says placing the flowers on the grave. He starts to chat to his mothers grave before an alarm suddenly starts to go off. Midoriya sighs and gets up.

"better get going, don't want to be late for work." he says before bowing to his mother's grave. He turns to leave when there is a massive explosion. Midoriya swings around to see smoke and hear screams. Monsters flew around above the city as well. He ran home and got changed into his vigilante costume and left to the city where the monsters were.

He quickly starts saving people. he only stopped for a second to determine the situation. Buildings had been collapsed and he was helping people out of them and trying to rescue others from under the rubble.

"Vivid," Midoriya turns around to see me.

"eraser, I know I'm a night time vigilante but this looks like an emergency." he says. My other self sighs and nods.

"your help is appreciate."

After what seemed like a few hours Midoriya and my other self were having a small break. Midoriya was scrolling through his phone when he suddenly stops and frowns.

"this is bigger than we thought raser, Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, all the major cities have been attacked and destroyed by monsters"

"they are called Nomu, one of my most troublesome classes was attacked by them often."

"They are ugly."

Midoriya and my other self were strapped when it came to time to rest and eat. They were constantly helping people out of fallen buildings and being helpless to save others when they get attacked by Nomu. It is here we see Midoriya learn how to kill a Nomu.

The time passed quickly in the memory viewing and soon a few years had passed and it now actually looked like the apocalypse has officially started.

No one was going to work, people were fighting, robbing and killing as well. Midoriya had managed to meet up with other me and they stayed together after Midoriya revealed his face. My other self was shocked by how young Midoriya is and even more so when he found out Midoriya is quirkless.

They had quite a few people in their group but that kept going down and down until it was only Midoriya, me, Midnight, Hizashi and Todoroki.

"how old are you now?" Other me asks.

" I donno, twenty seven?"

"why did that sound more like a question than an answer."

"well then you try to keep track of your age when everything is in ruin and there's no electricity." Midoriya grumbles.

They were trying to make their way to another bunker when they run into another survivor group. We all immediately recognise the familiar spiky blond hair and hard exterior.

"Kacchan," Midoriya mumbles waving a little. Other Bakugo sees them and makes his way over.

"Sensei, are you all heading to another bunker?"

"you know you can't stay in one place for too long, Nomu will find you."

"yeah," Other Bakugo looks at Midoriya and smirks. "I'm surprised you're still alive Deku, you were always a resilient nerd weren't you?"

Midoriya just smirks.

It was strange to see their relationship like this, it was strained but they were friendly with each other.

I am sure it is because they both had matured and put their rivalry behind them.

"I think I'm doing pretty well, considering I wasn't trained at the number 1 hero school."

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