Chapter 18

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A few weeks after the Hosu incident Aizawa announced the final exams.

My shoulders were finally healed. Thanks to Aizawa dragging me to recovery girl when he realised I wouldn't get proper treatment regularly at a hospital.

Soon we were standing in front of a cityscape with multiple pro's in front of us.

"We're fighting robots, right?" I hear Ashido ask. It seems they heard from upperclassmen what the test was going to be.

"No, because of the attacks we decided we needed to do another kind of test." Nezu announces popping out of Aizawa's scarf.

"we have already made your pairs and matched you up with a pro, I'll announce the teams."

Aizawa announces the teams and I feel my stomach drop the moment he calls mine and Kacchan's name out.

"You two will be going against All Might." He says. At that moment All Might drops from the sky and lands in front of us smiling. He stands tall and I fight the urge to scoff at him.

Kacchan and I ended up being the last group to do the test. I watch the others as they do their test. I felt sorry for Kaminari and Ashido, they had to go against our amazing principal. I could see that the students were learning a lot even from these quick battles. I look over to Kacchan and sigh.

I still look up to him, I never stopped but every time I look at him all I can remember is that he died protecting me. A quirkless nobody in a world of kill or be killed. I had a hard time around some of the teachers too.

Mic and Midnight being two and especially Aizawa. All I wanted to do was run over and hug them, just like I used to but I can't, not until I tell them everything and for that I need to wait for the right time.

"Okay, last group, Midoriya, Bakugo." Aizawa says. I look over to All Might and sigh. we head to the city we would be doing the test in.

"Kacchan..." I call out.


"We should probably come up with a plan,"

"kick his ass."

"We are up against the number 1 hero All Might, or do you see someone else standing infront of us, we can't simply kick his ass."

I groan and rub my face. I'd have to make a plan around what Kacchan would do. I knew he would rush right in to attack and that makes it easy to take care of him. It might end up being me against All Might if Kacchan gets knocked out right away. We head into the city after All Might.

Immediately after a shockwave hits us. Kacchan is almost knocked off his feet but I was used to such strength. The Nomu were originally made to combat All Might after all.

The moment Kacchan saw All Might he rushed in. I ran into a building to hide. If I used my stealth I could make it to the gate that let's me pass but If I did that and left Kacchan behind It wouldn't be very heroic and he'd be pissed beyond hell if I passed and he doesn't.

Not that it's my fault if he doesn't listen or make plans to pass and only thinks about kicking the number 1 hero's ass like his power is controlled by how much confidence he has. If that were the case he'd have already been the number 1 in middle school. I watch as All Might throws Kacchan around like a ragdoll and tried to come up with a plan. Eventually I decided to do what I know best.

Fight like he's a Nomu, just not with killing intent.

That'd be bad, I can't kill the number 1, I can't kill if I want to be a hero.

I run out of the building I was hiding in. I stepped lightly and quietly but moving fast.

He still hasn't noticed me and so I took it as my chance. I grab the cuffs that we were given to capture him and pounced towards his arm to try and get them on. Even one hand was good enough to be called a pass and that was all I needed but, life was not fair to me.

All Might turns around and sees me. He grabs my arm and I could feel the strength he was putting into it. I wince but didn't have much time to process everything when I am thrown away. I crash into a building.

I feel the wall behind me crack and crumble. I fall out and land on my feet gasping and coughing.

"Prick...hold back a little at least." I grumble. He was still watching me, coming closer.

The next thing I know I see a Nomu, not All Might.

My heart rate spikes and I get into a fighting stance. I do not let my eyes leave him when Kacchan suddenly flys into my line of sight and distracts him. I take this chance and ran into the building I crashed into, running up the stairs to get to the roof.

Once on the roof I looked around to spot Kacchan and All Might still fighting. I hold the cuffs tightly as the image of a Nomu appeared over All Might. I take a deep breath trying to clear the vision but it didn't work.

I just had to remember it was All Might and to not kill him. I wait until they get closer to the building once again and jumped. I landed on All Might's shoulders startling both him and Kacchan. He grabs my ankle and I took my chance.

He pulls me off his shoulder and throws me again. I crash into another building.

Pain shoots up my back and when I tried to move pain stabs at my shoulder. I look over and see it hanging limply.


I hear steps and look back to see the Nomu in front of me and I freeze. The sound around me drowned out and I could hear nothing but my heart thumping rapidly in my chest. How did I not get noticed before if my heart was always this loud.

Suddenly a buzzer sounds.

"Bakugo and Midoriya passes."

Hearing Aizawa's voice snaps me from my trance and I look around. All Might was talking to Kacchan who was kicking the medical robot that came to take us to Recovery Girl. I slowly push myself up and hold my arm so it didn't move.

"Are you alright young Midoriya?" All Might asks.

"Fine, my shoulder is dislocated." I say smiling. I didn't want him to come closer to me. I could feel my nerves shooting at me to run, to hide and keep quiet but I ignore them the best I could. I couldn't help the small step I took back when All Might tried to come closer to me.

"Midoriya are you okay?" I look over to see Aizawa.

Just seeing him made me calm down a lot but when I look at All Might I still see an outline of a Nomu.

"he says his shoulder is dislocated." All Might tells him. Aizawa start coming over to me and I step back.

"I'm fine." I say. I lean my shoulder against the wall and press into it, dropping my body and forcing my shoulder back into place. I hiss at the pain before Lifting my arm and flexing my fingers. "See."

"you should have gotten Recovery girl to do that." Aizawa says sighing.

I was still sent to see recovery girl.

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