Chapter 12

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I had to keep up my mothers story that something came up and I needed to stay home. The story was that I suddenly got sick and couldn't go to class that day.

Everyone asked how I was the day after and I simply told them I recovered quickly and that it seemed to be a one day cold. Aizawa announced that the sports festival was still on and that we had some lessons free to train for it ourselves.

So I decided I'd go out as Vivid every night as my training and sometimes during the day on the weekend to piss Endeavour off. I knew what he's doing to his family and I despised him. If I didn't hate killing so much I'd try to take him out but I want to take him down publicly more than kill him, it'd hit him harder than having his life taken from him.


"Hey Eraser~" I sing."

"why are you appearing during the day?" he asks.

"to piss the flame hero off."


"he's a shitbag."

Aizawa sighs and takes a seat next to me.

"Vivid, I won't chase you to catch you, you haven't hurt anyone yet other than catching villains and saving civilians but if another hero catches you I can't do anything, you are still doing this illegally."

"who says what I'm doing is illegal." I say.

"vigilantisms is illegal." Aizawa says raising his brow at me.

"I know but, what's the exact definition of vigilantism?"

"doing a heroes job without the proper qualifications breaking the hero regulations and quirk restriction laws"

I let out a dry laugh.

"then I'm only breaking one law." I say.

"what do you mean?" Aizawa asks.

"Come on Raser, you're smart enough to figure it out." I say standing up.

"Don't call me that." he says, following me. We patrol around the city together stopping a large amount of crimes. Eventually I look at the time on my phone and saw that it was 3AM.

"I better get going." I say. Aizawa looks over at the time and groans.

"do you always finish at 3?" he asks.

"yeah, I do have a life outside of this, just like you do." I say laughing. "you better not try to follow me."

"wouldn't dare." he says.

"hey, eraser, here." I hold out a small piece of paper and Eraser takes it.

"It's a number?"

"yeah, mine, for my vigilante phone." I say stretching "also, don't think of tracing it, it wont work."

Aizawa sighs and I grin, he was thinking it.


"see ya."

"bye Vivid."

The next day was Saturday and I decided to annoy Endeavour. He was at an outside conference where he'd be talking to reporters. I had a sling shot with dozens of little fire powder balls. I made them myself and despite their small size were very strong. I use them to put out fires or like smoke bombs to escape. I was sitting on the roof of a building across the street.

My attention is caught by a head of two coloured hair.

"ah, Todoroki, forgot he's endeavours son..."

If I remembered what Aizawa told me in the Original, Todoroki gets killed early on because he didn't use his quirk to its full potential because he was intent on going against his father.

"gonna have ta change that."

I watch Endeavour come out onto the stage and I get ready, placing my first little bomb into the sling. I pull back, aim and then let it fly.

I fall back laughing as it hit Endeavour smack in the face, extinguishing his beard. I get back up and start continuously shooting at him before running at full speed when he spotted me. I manage to lose him by hiding.

Aizawa had asked me why I was bothering the day time heroes, I told him for fun but it was mainly to get my mind off the fact that I failed because of a day time hero but I can't just bother All Might, he has enough on his plate as it is and he didn't need me to take his time. I make my way home.

Mum always wants me to be home for dinner. So I make sure I get back before dinner and leave after she goes to bed. She knows I'm Vivid now and about the future but she thinks I just woke up one day with my future memories and not that I've technically taken over my younger body, somehow keeping my wounds as well.

When I got here I was suddenly underweight as well because food was hard to come by in the Original because everything had gone to shit. There were no stores or farms because of the Nomu running rampant and Shigaraki being a monster, destroying everything in his path.

Once home I grab some clothes and hoped into the shower.

There is one thing I have noticed about mum though, she refers to Vivid as a separate person.

I meet mum in the loungeroom. She was watching TV while waiting for dinner to finish cooking.

"Vivid has been appearing during the day and annoying Endeavour, I wonder why." she says sipping on her tea.

"Endeavour isn't the most heroic hero out there and he deserves the headache it causes." I say smiling.

"I hope so." she says. she hops up and serves dinner. After dinner I finished my homework before getting ready to go out once again. I didn't need to do much to annoy Tsukauchi, all I had to do was take down villains and call him to annoy him.

I wanted to patrol with Aizawa again tonight. I was cautious of what I do around Aizawa, I didn't want him to make connections between Vivid and Izuku Midoriya but he does think I am a lot older than a first year in high school. I start my patrol looking for both crimes and Aizawa. I managed to take down a few crimes, getting to meet Tsukauchi.

After the sixth time seeing Tsukauchi and not a speck of Aizawa I got a little annoyed myself.

"Hey Tsu-chan, where's Eraser?"

"He's not patrolling tonight, he has to get ready for UA's sports festival." he says groaning at my nickname.

"Oh right, that's on tomorrow right, might go and watch it." I say. "guess I'll stop here for tonight."

I look at the time and it just clicked over to 1AM.

"I normally stop at 3..."

"Just go, I've had enough of seeing you for tonight, it's easier when Eraser's here." Tsukauchi says.

"Alright, get some rest Tsu-chan." I say smiling. I wave to him before climbing the building and then racing home.

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