chapter 38

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After about a month Midoriya's body was healthy enough that he could move by himself and was able to get all the tubes attached to his body removed and he was able to start eating food through his mouth. he started out with soup, porridges and soft foods like bananas before moving to harder foods.

Then the doctors found out why he wasn't talking.

Midoriya was now able to write on paper making it easier to communicate than before which made it easier when his mother or classmates visited him.

I look around the white room and sigh.

I hated these white walls but I couldn't leave, everyone would kill me, figuratively since they went through so much to keep me alive.

"Okay Midoriya, can you tell us why you haven't spoken at all, everything else has been healing well but you have made no attempt to talk." Recovery Girl asks.

There was another Doctor behind her and I watch as Aizawa walks closer to my bed than any of them. I grab my pen and paper and start writing.

"They surgically damaged my vocal cords to prevent me from screaming."

When they all read what I wrote the room fell into a grim silence, until Nezu spoke.

"do not worry Midoriya, we will find someone to fix your voice!"

I blink at my principal who had suddenly poked out of Aizawa's scarf.

I smile and give him a wave. He waves back and jumps down from Aizawa's shoulder and walks over to me.

"how are you feeling Midoriya-kun?" He asks. I give him a thumbs up and he nods. "Good, good."

"Midoriya, when you get your voice back we will be asking you some questions." Aizawa comments. I nod and indicate that I was expecting it.

"sonie, all your scars, they don't match what you have been through, are your memories really the only thing that was brought back?" Recovery girl asks.

I look down at the paper on my little desk thinking, I quickly scribble a response.

"it'll be easier to explain once I get my voice back."

"okay, I will ask again once you can talk." she says.

Good, this way I had time to gather my thoughts on the subject as well.

Everyone but for Aizawa leave my hospital room. Aizawa pulls over a chair and sits next to my bed.

He sighs, I smile at this.

Shota always sighed in the original as well but at least these sighs were connected to events less dangerous than what my shota was sighing about.

"the class will be coming to visit today so be ready." he grumbles.

A couple days later the doctors, Principal Nezu, Aizawa and an older man walks into my room.

"Midoriya-kun, this is Mr Tukishima, his quirk can heal your throat." Nezu says. The door slides open again and Detective Tsukauchi walks in. I grin at him and wave and he groans.

It seems he has been told about me.

"are you ready?" Mr Tsukishima asks. I nod and he gently holds my neck with his hands. I feel a slight tingle on my neck and guessed he had activated his quirk. After a few moments he moved away and announces that I should be able to talk now. Everyone seemed to look at me expectantly and I freeze, unsure of what to say first.

"just say anything Midoriya" Aizawa says. I frown at him and he smirks. "at a loss for words now that you can speak?"

"I'll tell Zashi you're teasing me again Sho." I grumble. Shota freezes and I give him a grin. "you always get into trouble when I tell on you."

"Don't you dare." He growls. I giggle a little.

"Then stop teasing me, anyway he was your student, you probably taught him to be like that." Shota looks at me confused before his expression morphs into understanding.

"Midoriya, you haven't gotten close to Hizashi yet." Shota says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"you're in the past, Zashi is only your teacher at the moment." Shota says.

"oh..." I look around the room. It was pristine, white and bright. I look back to Shota "Right, back in the past..."

"Midoriya-kun, we have some questions we would like to ask you, is that alright?" Detective Tsukauchi asks.

"Tsu-chan!" I happily call out and he closes his eyes. Probably telling himself he cannot hit a child. "Of couse I'll answer any questions you have now that the most important one has been revealed."

"thanks." he says. They all sit down and I wait for the first question that I would have to answer.

"why are you rubbing your left knee?" Sho- Aizawa asks.

"it's sore, I got hurt and it didn't heal right, it aches every now and then."

"that leads into my question for you, were your memories the only thing that came from the future?" Recovery girl asks.

"no, like you suspect my body makeup was also transferred" I say laying back a little. "the only thing that didn't get transferred was my age, I have scars I had gotten when I am thirty, my knee is a good example."

"how so?" she asks.

"if it had been injured before the apocalypse it probably would be normal but because everything was destroyed and medical facilities were some of the first to fall I was unable to get it treated properly."

They continue to ask me question about a few different things regarding some events that could happen in the future and used Tsukauchi to determine if I was telling the truth.

"it seems that the hero commission is going to reveal your identity to the public." Nezu says.

"I suspected as such, one of the warnings I got from Shota was that I should do everything to prevent getting caught by the commission, that didn't go too well." I chuckle. Suddenly Aizawa's phone starts to ring. He answers it after looking at the name.

"The TV?" Aizawa picks up the remote and turns the TV on and changes to a specific channel. The screen lights up with a lady speaking from a few sheets of papers, the hero commissions logo spun slowly in the corner of the screen.

"The leader of the LOV, Shigaraki Tomura has been killed, he was killed by the Vigilante named Vivid and it has been revealed that the vigilante was actually training to become a hero while working illegally towards killing the LOV leader, Vivid's true identity is Midoriya Izuku, a student of UA in the hero course and through special testings it has been revealed that Midoriya is quirkless."

"Well, that was quick." I grumble.

Why'd they have to reveal my name. Luckily the picture they put up when talking about me was as me dressed as Vivid and it was really blurry. That wont change the fact that everyone knew what I looked like because of the sports festival.

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