Do this again.

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It had been about 3 months since Joyce had rescued Hopper back from that horrible place and brought him home, well her home to be exact, she had been sure his cabin was pretty much destroyed by the time she got him out of that hell.

Today was the usual calm day, kids in their rooms while they both watched T.V and sunk in the comfort of one another, Joyce let out a comfortable sigh.

From the living room she could hear the faint sound of music coming from Jonathan's room 'Should I stay or Should I go' probably blasting out in his room but only heard as a soft whisper from the living room. From Will's room she didn't hear much besides El's loud chatter and walkie talkie cracks every now and then, which were easier to hear since their room was closer to the living room, she assumed Will was painting while El chatted with him and Max.

Bringing herself out of her thoughts about the kids, she sunk into him, snuggling herself into his arm as he wrapped it around, placing a kiss on her head and rubbing her back in slow, affectionate motions.

They had started dating only a few weeks after he came back —her heart still fluttered at every thought of dating him— It was her reality, she was dating no other than Jim Hopper. Joyce was more than content, she could talk about the man for hours on end and still not get tired, she could be with him every day, forever, and she knew she wouldn't ever get tired of him.

She had loved Hopper since highschool, from smoking cigarettes on his cab, running away from teachers and the occasional flirts Hopper would send her way, so, of course she was crushed back then when she found out Hopper was being sent out to Vietnam for war, her feelings burying deep down in a pit of her stomach, never been confessed.

Her heart crushed by having her loved one fade away without being able to tell him how she felt, she ran up to his car on the last day staring into his eyes, then pulling his head down for a desperate kiss.

"Dont leave me Hop.." She had muttered to him, in hopes to change her mind.

"Im sorry Joy, I need to go." He sighed placing his forehead against hers "Don't forget me."

Those were the last words he spoke to her, before her life went downhill when she turned to Lonnie Byers for comfort, which was a decision she certainly regretted alot, but she knew that deep, deep down she wouldn't change the way things fanned out.

Of course, she hated Lonnie with all of her being, but she knew that if it wasn't for him she wouldn't have her two precious boys, and she hated that. Something in her churned at the thought that there could be a reality where she lived without them. She couldn't bear to think about a life without them.

But right now, now that didn't matter she had Hopper right here with her and she was never going to give him away again, nor was he ever going to leave her ever again.

She pondered for a few moments what Hopper could be thinking, as he held her close, keeping her warm from the chilling cold that spread through the house.

Even after 3 months Hopper felt like the luckiest son of a bitch in the world, he was dating Joyce, Joyce Byers!. He was totally over the moon from knowing she was his and he was hers.

Joyce Hopper.. his heart skipped a beat as he thought about it intwining his fingers in hers squeezing her hand slightly, grinning to himself.

He exhaled happily, tilting his head down to face Joyce, who happily raised hers to look at him.

"I..." he sighed, it were 3 heavy words that had been laying on his tongue for so long, he wanted to tell Joyce he loved her, but something in him was afraid, something buried deep in the back of his mind he dared not bring up.

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