Survive (We'll be alright.)

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Hello, why yes I am still on break, just thought I'd share the emotional studies I've been doing instead of just leaving you all with nothing. This may be a bit messy!

It is a short one! barely over 800 words, hope you all enjoy my feeble attempts at getting my writing better.



Hopper's insides stung, tears pooled in his eyes as he paced around the empty, chilling house. His mind was restless, shameful, hating as every step he took grew louder, booming throughout the silence that was nearly painful for his unaccustomed ears.

A nervous chuckle escaped his lips, a sound so void of joy, dirty and dry, it's didn't sound like him, it weren't him. His nervous pacing led to scoffs and angry rambling, he was so scared he thought, no, knew he was loosing his mind.

"Goddamnit, Joyce" He nearly winced, voice coming breathy and weak, he was desperate, he needed her to come back, he needed her not to have gotten herself killed by some monster out there, human or not. Times were scarce.

He had somehow agreed to let Joyce go out in this godforsaken snow, and she hadn't came back. He needed, he needed her to come back, needed her to be within his hold again. He had just got her back after eight excruciating months and he couldn't let go of her again, couldn't let her go again.

His hands were sweaty as they shook uncontrollably, spreading throughout his whole body until he was left a shaking, disgraceful mess. Joyce promised, she promised she'd be back, she had never took this long out, always being back as quick as possible, but this time, he was left with little to no sign of her.

He gulped down the feeling of throwing up, bile clogging his throat as he tried not to gag, feeling the acid burning its way down to his stomach again, he winced.

His eyes widened at the sound of keys jingling just outside the door, his strides quickened making his way so grasp the handle and pull it open before Joyce could manage, he watched as she stumbled slightly at the suddenness.

"Where the hell were you?" He roared, voice thundering as she stepped throught the door, the cold night air inviting itself inside, chilling. She missed the way his voice seethed with a deep worry hidden beneath.

"What do you think I was doing?" She stepped back, eyebrows furrowing in defense as she shut the door behind herself. "I was getting us goddamn food." She barked, angry and frustrated, tiredness noticable in her eyes.

His eyes darted down to the bag then back to her, repeating that motion for a few hanging seconds, a deep silence hung in the air between them as he processed. He felt bad for bursting out at her just now, she didn't deserve it.

"Listen Joyce, I'm sorry," He shook his head, hand coming to rub at his forehead with a frustrated sigh. "I was just worried, I didn't mean to throw it on you," Her hand rested on his bicep, he half expected her to be regarding him with hatred. Instead he was met with an apologetic, soft gaze.

"Why were you worried, Hop?" Her hand rested on his cheek, rubbing softly at the skin there, he found himself succumbing to the touch, seeking it until his whole head was being supported in her hand.

"You took longer than usual.. I was worried you got caught by something, or well, someone." His hands rested on her hips, pulling her close to him, seeking the comfort and warmth of her body pressed against his, he needed, he was attracted to it like a goddamned moth and a light.

"Oh Hop," She dropped her head to his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his chest, hearing he thumping of his heartbeat. "Im sorry."

"I don't want to lose you Joyce, not again." His words stabbed at her heart, like a knife had just been lodged right in it, she felt everything that she could possibly feel for the man holding her close, she wanted to take all the negative from him and crush it, crush it until it was nothing but feeble memories, quickly overtaken and forgotten by better ones.

"You'll never lose me again Hop, I promise you." She wrapped her own arms around his waist, feeling the slight unusual of his slim waist, used to not being able to fully wrap her arms around him, now? It was easy, and that mere thought destroyed her. Left her weak.

"We're going to be alright." She muttered into his chest, hearing a whimper of agreement falling from his lips, and in that moment she believed, believed that maybe they would be alright.

As long as they had eachoter, faith in eachother, they'd be alright. They'd survive, after all, isn't that what everyone does nowadays? Anything to survive in this cruel, twisted world.

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