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Was the most correct word to describe Joyce's current state, sitting on the couch with multiple bottles of alcohol.

Lets say, kids we're gone and Joyce was feeling specifically awful that day so she decided to grab some alcohol.

One bottle turned into two, three and eventually she was left hiccuping all by herself on the lonely couch.

Her mind was foggy, as if she wasnt in complete control of what she was doing, the first thing to come up occupying her mind as the plague. Hopper, He was the only thing her mind could focus as she took a last drink of the bottle, tossing it back to the pile.

Hopper was a distinct thought on her mind, how handsome and strong he was, how his body was much bigger and larger than hers, how he towered over while still not starting at full height. Her heart beat quickened as she imagined how it would be to feel him onto of her, his calloused hands roaming up and down her body as she moaned his name, the feeling of his mouth on hers as he fucked her merciless.

She shuddered and her body heated up at the thoughts. Her drunken mind decided, she needed him right now, she needed to feel him inside her, she needed to tell him how much she loved him.

She languidly stood up, triping over herself as she stomped over to the phone by the kitchen. Red flags blared from the back of her mind some part of her seemingly aware that this was wrong, but the rest of her was drunken and she really didnt have space in her mind to think about it.

She grabbed the phone and dialed Hoppers number.

Hopper was jolted awake to the sound of a phone ringing, who the hell was calling him at nearly 3 in the morning?

He stood up from his bed languidly as he walked over to the phone, sleep still rubbing on him as he yawned.

"Chief Jim Hopper?" He mumbled though the phone in a gruffy "just woke up" voice, but still enough to send a heat flying to Joyce's lower abdomen.

"H..Hopper." She slurred on her words, Hopper suddenly jolted awake at the sound of her voice.

"Joyce? Everything okay?" He spoke more clearly now, sleepiness fading away mostly.

"Yy..yeah, all brilliant.." She hiccuped, making Hopper rise a brow.

"Then why'd you call?" His stomach churned with a feeling of anxiety, suddently not knowing wheter to belive that it was "briliant" as she said.

"God..." She half mumbled and he could hear her hand hit the wall. "I.. fuckin' need you." She panted.


Hoppers eyes widened as a faint red creeped up his cheeks, was Joyce Byers giving him a booty call?

He gulped, trying to stop blood from rushing down as it suddenly became hard to breathe.

"I need to feel you inside me Jim." Joyce panted and he could hear the faint whimper in her voice.

"Im comin'" He plugged the phone back and quickly god dressed, grabbed his car keys, then backtracked.

He had to leave a note for El. He quicky scurried to find a piece of paper and pen amd scribbeled down a note.

"Went out, dont know when ill be back, probably tomorrow.

There are eggos on the fridge if im not here by then.

See you kiddo."

He sprinted out the door, slamming his engine on as he drove over to Joyce's.

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