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Joyce was okay, this feeling pooling at the bottom of her stomach was nothing, she knew it was nothing. Hopper had left for a smoke outside while she finished paying the groceries.

She took a glance outside, expecting to see Hopper alone leaned against his blazers inhaling the smoke from the cigarette, but instead she saw a woman next to him. She was blonde dressed in tight jeans and a pink blouse that showed way too much cleavage for her liking. She was standing infront of Hopper clearly trying her best to make conversation with him as she leaned over exposing more of her chest to him.

Joyce quickly paid for the groceries and stood outside the door, farway from view but enough to see what was going on between them.

Hopper was giving conversation to the woman smiling at her and sometimes even laughing with her, she scooted closer to her leaning against his blazer and he took a step to the side putting clear distance between himself and the woman.

The woman was CLEARLY flirting with Hopper. As she placed a hand on his chest Joyce's stomach formed a pit of anger and she dared not say jealousy, Joyce wasn't jealous, of course not.

No, this was wrong, It should be her placing a hand on his chest, it should be her leaning against his shoulder and smiling dearly up at him, it should be her. Not the other woman standing by his side chuckling and swatting his arm with every joke.

Joyce's heart ached, feeling upset, she wasn't sure why, it's not like her and Hopper we're a thing, but it still made her stomach drop each time she would touch his arm, or each time he would laugh at her assumed jokes.

Joyce sighed, the woman was exactly Hopper type, blonde, good-looking, not.... crazy? Exactly like all of his highschool crushes and girlfriends. Her brows furrowed at the memory of him and Chrissy Carpenter dating back in highschool.
She was exactly everything Joyce wasn't.

Joyce sighed her anger bottling up with a tinge of sadness sticking out even more as she stared at the woman and Hopper.

She should be the one he was with.

Hopper was making conversation with the girl as she asked him for a cigarette, he passed one to her but refused when she asked to share with him. Hopper was uncomfortable to say the least, the woman beside him was pretty much hitting on him and he knew it, he wasn't oblivious to this kind of stuff. He just secretly prayed that Joyce would come out of that store soon.

He glanced around the place only to find Joyce standing there with two bags in her hands as she stared between the woman and Hopper with furrowed brows, her eyes seemed angry even jealous maybe, Hopper met her eyes as she walked up, smirking and giving her a wink.

"Hey uh, I'm sorry to.. interrupt." She side eyed the woman, the woman who he now knew as Vera lifted herself from Hoppers blazer and stared at her with a lifted brow.

"And.. who are you?" She pointed at her with a snarky look on her face, clearly judging as she looked her up and down.

Joyce was sent over the edge with her attitude, who did she think she was? Putting her hands all over Hopper and now treating her like shit.

"Im his girlfriend, so id appreciate if you left him alone." She snapped at her, the woman's eyes widened as she backed off.

"Uh shit sorry, I didn't know." She walked away from them clearly embarrassed. Serves her right, Joyce thought as she watched the woman walk away.

"So my girlfriend Huh?" Hopper asked staring down at her.

Joyce's cheeks flushed as she processed her possessive actions, maybe Hopper had preferred to go out with that woman and not her.

Guilt flooded her now, why did she act like that? Hopper might have been interested in the woman, it's not like he's he's object for her to claim while still being afraid of even making moves on him.

"Im so-" Joyce was interrupted by Hoppers hands grabing her hips and pulling her closer to him, her cheeks reddened even more as she stared at him with now confident eyes, being pretty sure that was a hint.

"You're mine." She whispered and pulled his collar down, slamming his lips against hers roughly to confirm her previous statement, she hand coming to grasp at both sides of his face deepening the kiss with passion and roughness, Hopper was suprised to say the least, but he had to admit, Joyce being this damn possessive had him turning head over heels for her.

"Damn woman, " He laughed when they pulled away. "Sure 'am."

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