Friendly dinner.

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Hopper just couldn't stop smiling, Joyce had accepted his proposal to a 'friendly dinner' at Enzo's. Though he would have prefered it to be a date, he didnt want to rush Joyce, he had time to wait for her.

Despite It being just a friendly dinner it didn't stop him from dressing up nicely, puttion on a nice pink and green shirt Flo had gotten for him, a white blazer over it, some jeans and a nice spray of cologne.

He looked up to the mirror by himself, smiling at his own reflection for a mere second, maybe he wasn't all that attractive, but he sure hopes it was enough for Joyce.

He took a deep breath and glanced down at his watch, 6:43.

They had agreed to meet there at 7, and Enzo's was a good 10 minutes away so he decided to leave now.

"El! I'm gonna leave okay? I probably be back after dinner, but if I'm not you think you can handle being alone?" He walked over to the couch on his living room, leaning over the back of it, kissing El on the top of her head.

"Yeah, ill be fine," She smiled and turned to look at him "Have fun on your... friendly dinner."

Hopper shook his head and sighed, rolling his eyes with a smile.

"Thanks kid." He ruffled her hair and went to grab his car keys and make his way to the diner.


Hopper found himself leaning against the hood of his truck as he waited for Joyce, it was now nearly five minutes until seven, but It was fine if she arrived a little late, he didn't mind.

He lit himself a cigarette, humming as he took a puff, realising it out into the cold air as he waited patiently.

He drummed his fingers on the hood anxiously, constantly reminding himself that it was only now seven, and she could just be late.

He kept on the outside waiting for her, eventually finishing his ciggarete, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it.

He glanced down at his watch once again, 7:09.

He would wait for her inside.

He waltzed into the fancy restaurant, looking around at the orchestra, then fixing his eyes on a man coming to attend him.

"Got a reservation sir?" The man smiled, he could tell it wasn't a genuine one, more of a attempt to be nice.

"Yeah, under the name of Jim Hopper." He looked the man up and down, at his fancy uniform, Hopper easily towered over him. He swore he saw him gulp before looking away from him and into the reservation book.

"Alright, um, right this way, sir." He led Hopper to a table, not necessarily in the middle, but near the middle of the restaurant.

He cursed himself, reming himself to book a table more hidden away next time.

A waiter soon came over to him, leaving a menu, some breadsticks with Olive oil and a bottle of Chianti on his table.

He glances back down at his watch, 7:19.

Joyce had been late for about 20 minutes now, he wasnt necessarily scared, more anxious than anything as he waited for the woman.

The anxiousness coming from two different places, first being what if she got caught in an accident? What if something horrible happened and he was sitting here all tidy in the middle of a cramped room.

The second being, what if Joyce just didn't want to come, deciding last seconds she didn't want anything to do with him.

He gulped, no, Joyce wouldn't do that, she would call him if that we're the case..

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