The Five stages of grief.

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Im not sure this makes sense, but enjoy my spew of words <3


Joyce fell down to her knees, the keys we're turned, the machine was destroyed, Hopper was gone.

She cried, her throat letting free animalistic sounds as she wailed, all of the stress and anger piling up on her as her tears ran free, qll of the unspilt tears that we're pilled up for so long finally coming free.

So she sobbed, and sobbed, she couldn't believe that Hopper was gone, and that she was the one that killed him. She cried even harder and louder, not noticing a rushed Murray run into the room, his eyes stopping on her kneeled down on to the floor as all of her body was shaking.

"Joyce? Joyce!" Murray ran up to her, pushing her torwards him, cradling her face in his hands as he looked around.

"Joyce.. where's Jim?" Joyce's eyes gave everything away to him, he knew what had happened as the woman infront of him errupted into louder cries, lauching herself at him for a hug.

Murray did want to stay there and comfort her, but he knew there was no time for that, the Russians we're still put there, and possibly looking for them.

"Joyce, look at me." He grabbed her face once again as tears streamed down her face, in seemingly endless stream. "We need to move okay? We cant stay here." His heart ached as he spat out those words.

Joyce took a shaky breath as she glanced to the now broken down machine and the empty railing beside it, after 4 or 5 days of wandering and getting little rest, she could finally feel her exhaustion, her wounds and back aching, her vision blurred and her body started to go limp.

"No, No! Joyce stay with me goddamnit!" Murray's yell echoed in her ears as she lifted her eyes up from the scene, she had to stay conscious, her kids we're waiting for her, she had to get back to them.

She blinked a few times and nodded at Murray, trying an attempt at standing up, her legs protested but luckily Murray was there to hold her up, he swung her arm around his shoulder as they half ran outside the control room.

Joyce took a last glance back, maybe, just maybe hoping Hopper would be running after them, but she was met with the same view, an empty room.



Joyce was sat down at the floor of Hoppers cabin, taking in the familiar smell of him as she lowered her head to the police jacket in her hands, her eyes welled up with tears as she stared at it.

The uniform that had once been reserved for him, for the chief of police, that now was worn by another. Powell had took over the chief position a week after Hopper was written dead.

She hugged the jacket close to her, taking a a look between his nametag and the chief of police badge, she plucked them both from the uniform, placing them on her pockets.

His funeral was coming soon, she didn't want to go at all, for all she knew Hopper was still out there.

Like what happened with Will, Hopper could still be out there, roaming hungry and afraid. Alone. She sobbed harder into the jacket as her hands tightened around it, Hopper couldn't be dead.

Hopper was alive.. he had to be, he couldn't die, he couldn't have left her, he promised he wouldn't.

Her heart ached as a pit formed in her stomach, a familiar sense of dread overtaking her.

He had to be alive right? He wasn't dead..  he wasn't.

Suddenly she felt a familiar sent embrace her, as two hands wrapped around her. She raised her head at the contact, her heart suddenly full of hope, it was Hopper!

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