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"Hopper?" Joyce's voice rang through the phone, frail and weak, and Hopper straightened his back suddenly very aware.

"Joyce? Is everything alright?" He gulped, trying his best not to convey the worry seething through him, already standing up from his chair.

"Hop," She took a shaky breath, he could hear pain in her voice. "Im.. home, please come quick," She hissed in pain, he set the phone down and nearly sprinted out of the station, earning a couple weird looks from the other officers.

He slammed the door of his Chevy shut and drove off to her house, worry filling every part of his body, wondering what the hell happened to Joyce. He drove faster than normally allowed, fingers drumming anxiously at the steering well as he cursed any traffic or pedestrians walking by.

His stomach formed a pit as he stopped in the driveway, Joyce's door was wide open and she was no where in sight. He quickly got out, nearly running to her door.

"Joyce?" He yelled out, walking faster when he spotted blood around a corner, hearing a muffled sound from the kitchen. He walked around the corner, afraid of what he would have to face.

His old best friend was nearly unconscious on the floor against the wall of the kitchen, blood seething from her head, and a poor white dog laying on her lap, legs and jaw bloody.

Hopper ran over to the both of them, the dog weakly barked at him, startling both him and Joyce, who snapped her head up to Hopper and afraid look clouding her eyes.

"It's okay... he's good, Chester." She smiled weakly, carefully petting the dog, then looking back at Hopper —who had kneeled by her side— with an nearly relieved look.

"Hopper." She hissed, a hand coming to grasp at her stomach when she tried to sit up straight.

"Joyce, what's going on?" Hopper watched as she lifted her bloody shirt, revealing a deep gash across her side. He nearly gasped at the wound, rushing closer to inspect it, nudging the dog off her lap, who protested with a bark but eventually sat down next to him.

"Shit Joyce, I'm calling 911." Hopper stood up, reaching for her kitchens phone.

"No!" She shouted, doubling over with pain as tears pooled in her eyes. "Please, dont, I— I cant.." She hissed a breath, eyes coming to meet his.

"You.. you know how to fix this right?" Hopper looked conflicted, his hand falling from the phone.

"I do but, Joyce you need—"

"Please, Hopper." A tear fell from her eye, strolling down her cheek, Hopper sighed and looked around.

"Do you have a first aid kit around here?" Joyce nodded towards a drawer by her, feeling the adrenaline die down, giving way to pain. Hopper rushed to grab it, zipping it open and pulling out alcohol, a cloth and a bandage, then kneeling by her on the floor.

"This is going to hurt alot,okay?" He poured alcohol into the rag, then hefted her shirt off, leaving her in a bra with the bleeding wound exposed.

He touched the cloth to her wound, Joyce yelled out in pain, gritting her teeth as he worked as quickly as he could, cleaning off the blood, trying his best to ignore the limping dog barking at him.

"Joyce, I'm going to need you to lift up off the wall, can you do that?" Joyce shook her head, she didn't have the strength to move as he kept the cloth pressed up against her side.

"Okay, here, grab at my shoulders." He carefully lifted her arms, shuddering when she mewled with pain, feeling her harsh grasp around his neck.

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