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"Come on kid, you have to talk to me," Hopper's hands cupped El's cheeks, his insides twisting in worry, guilt, anxiety, you name it.

El's head hung lifelessly in his hands, her eyes barely open as her hands grasped at her stomach, she had been dry heaving for quite a while now, falling in and out of conscience. Hopper was trying very hard to fight the urge to take her to an hospital, telling himself it wasn't urgent, it wasn't dangerous, she was not.. dying.

"Wait here kid, I'll— get help." His panic indulged mind did what it could only register, he speed walked torwards his phone and rang the only logical number. Could it bring problems? Yes, but he didnt care, he needed help.

"Hello?" Her voice rang through the receiver, and he nearly sighed in relief, gulping down the desperate cry that bubbled up in his throat.

"Joyce—" He grit his teeth, voice coming wobblier than he had meant to make it sound, he closed his eyes tightly shut, listening to the kid breath heavily in the background. "I— I need your help,"

Joyce's eyes widened at the other end of the phone, suddenly wide awake — previously sleeping before the unexpected 4 am call —anxiety turmoiling in her aswell.

"Hop? Is everything okay?" She risked, hearing a faint cry in the background, awfully similar to a child's. "What was that?"

"Please, come over to the cabin," Hopper's voice was panicked as she listened to him soothe whoever was with him as you would do to a small child.

"Your grandfathers?"

"Yes, my grandfather's, please." It nearly broke her how desperate he sounded, she gulped down her anxiety.

"Okay, see you in 15."

Joyce knocked at the door, frowning when she was met with no response, knocking louder and quicker as anxiety over took her.

"Hop?! It's me!" Almost immediately the door pushed open, revealing Hopper. He had a wary, tired look on his face, punctuated by the dark circles under his puffy eyes, his shoulders drooped. She instantly grew worried.

"Joyce, thank y—"

"—Dad!" A little girls voice interrupted the start of their conversation, Hopper nearly ran inside, Joyce stepped in warily, shocked, not quite sure what was happening.

"What's wrong baby? Im here," His voice was incredibly soft as he spoke to what she assumed was a little girl, curled up on his sofa as tears streamed down her face.

Joyce was shocked, he had a child? Who was the kid? And more importantly, what the hell was happening.

"It hurts," Joyce's motherly instincts jumped in as her ears tuned in, she kneeled before the girl, pushing the blanket covering half her face down. She gasped as she uncovered her face, Eleven.

"What hurts, baby?" Her eyes drifted to Hopper kneeled down infront of the girl, his eyes nearly watered as worry seethed through him, she gulped down the strangeness of seeing him so vulnerable.

"Stomach, head, everything feels fuzzy." Hopper's lips found the girls forehead, wincing at how hot it was.

"It's okay sweetheart," Joyce grasped the girl's hand, smiling reassuringly at her, she recognised the symptoms from previous experiences with her sons. "Just try and get get rest okay? We'll get you some medication when you wake up, you'll be feeling better after, yeah?"

The girl seemed slightly suprised at her presence, but nodded, her exhausted body giving in second by second. Hopper stayed by her side, gaze unmoving while she tried to fall asleep, only faltering when soft breaths were heard from her.

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