Heart to Heart.

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Set the night before Hopper 'died' in the russian base <3

Joyce stood there, in the middle of an empty parking lot as she wandered aimlessly throughout the dark night. She had just left from an argument at Murray's, needing time to air her head for a while.

She had been arguing with Hopper, He insisted she stayed back instead of entering the russain base, something about a 'two man operation', she wasnt taking any of it, if it was dangerous for her why wouldn't it be for him? Why did he think he was invincible? Couldn't he see she can't loose him?

She was frustrated at the stubborn man, but deep down she knew it was coming from a place of concern, still didn't make her less pissed however, he never knew how to back down from an argument, even when he was wrong.


Joyce sighed and shook her head, shivering, half from the thoughts, the other from the actual cold outside seeing as she had forgotten a decent jacket.

Joyce lifted her head up from the floor, staring at her surroundings expecting it to be like always an empty, dimly lit, parking lot.

But this time, she spotted a truck, a familiar one, right under one of the street lights as smoke errupted up from the man leaning against it.

Her heart fluttered as she gawked at Hopper, now close enough to see him, but in an angle so he shouldn't be able to spot her.

She was mesmerised by how good the man looked just by doing a simple thing such as smoking, she knew she should be mad at him, but those feelings dissipated as she watched him. She watched as he brought the ciggarete to his lips, then puffed out a sigh of smoke as he looked mindlessly forward.

Joyce was staring, she knew, but she couldn't help it, Hopper looked beautiful. She couldn't help but think that she was in the presence of some kind of angel.

Hopper was in fact, kind of an angel to her, he had helped her in so many tough moments, he had brought her son home, he had went out of his way to an twisted dimension only to pull her son out of it, he had always been what she needed most.

Whenever she feel to her knees, all of her hope and light dissipating as she broke down, he would be there, he would be there to extend a hand and pull her back up to her feet, calming her with his soothing words and warm presence.

She guessed it would be right to call him her angel, her guardian angel.

She brought herself out of her thoughts to stare back at the man, only to find herself melting in his beauty once again.

Many women in town would agree with her, Jim Hopper was fucking handsome, hell, he was gorgeous, but none of them would see him with the same admiration that Joyce had for him.

They do say, you tend to see people with so much admiration and tenderness when you love them, even sometimes seeing then a in a different way than everyone else does.

She had heard whispers from the women in town, gossips to be exact, many of them gawked for Jim, many of them saying he was hot as hell despite his stomach, saying he could afford to loose some pounds. Too big, they whispered.

In those moments, where Joyce found herself overhearing those whispers she boiled with anger, Hopper wasn't at all 'too big' he was perfect as he was.  She did think his belly added alot to his look, she dared to say he pulled it off, looked hot on him.

Joyce could gawk on all day about him, and how about other women didn't know him like she did.

Other women didn't get lost in his deep blue eyes that comforted her whenever she most needed it, his stubble that she had held in her hands after rescuing him from those demonic tunnels, his loving smile that only seemed to break out for her, the way his touches were light as a feather when he touched her compared on how he touched other people.

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